Friday, August 20, 2021

QQ红糖紫薯球 QQ Purple Sweet Potato Balls

紫薯球、番薯球、地瓜球、番薯蛋、番薯丸子等都是它的名字。孩子们指定想一起学习的一道小点心、小零食;也是她们近期的下午茶,很亲子的厨房亲子乐哦, 一次过可以做几盒速冻冷藏保存,想吃😋的时候炸一炸就有得享用口感超赞+外酥里嫩的紫薯球咯。QQ sweet potato balls is a bite-sized vegan snack👉🏻crispy outside, chewy inside. 


{材料} 熟紫薯250克,木薯粉80克,粘米粉10克,红糖30克。 

1. 蒸好的紫薯块趁热压成泥状,加入红糖拌均匀,分几次加入木薯粘米粉,直到能揉捏成软团(只用大约60克左右,剩余的下次再用)。 
2. 将紫薯团揉成长条状,切小块状,每块大约6-8克,搓成小圆球形状待用(也可以速冻保存,要炸时才室温解冻)。 
3. 热油,油一定要能盖过紫薯球的一半以上,小火慢煎,每颗第一次按压会变大一点,煎的过程中按压8-10次左右。 
4. 稍微上色后,捞起,转大火复炸一分钟逼出油即可。用厨房纸巾控油后,待温热即可享用啦。 

Brown Sugar Purple Sweet Potato Balls 

{Ingredients} Steamed purple sweet potato 250g, tapioca flour 80g, rice flour 10g, brown sugar 30g. 

1. Mashed the steamed sweet potato while it’s hot, add in brown sugar to mix well, slowly add in tapioca + rice flour, knead until forming a soft but not sticky dough (Flour mixture use 60g only, leftover keep for next time). 
2. Roll into long strips, cut into small pieces, each piece 6-8g, and shape into ball shape(frozen those unused, thaw in room temperature once wanna fry). 
3. Heat up enough oil under low heat, deep fry sweet potato balls over low heat, stir them constantly, press the balls down with strainer and it will slightly up the size, press about 8-10 times during frying process. 4. When slightly colour, dish up and turn to high heat to deep fry again within 1 min. Drain on kitchen towel, serve warm hot. 

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