Friday, January 28, 2022

花生味浓郁的花生酱饼 Peanut Butter Cookies

 少糖少油+花生碎的花生酱饼。Peanuts butter cookies, festive cookies that will not allow to be missed. 



1. 无盐牛油室温软化后,加入猪油、糖粉和花生酱搅拌均匀。 
2. 分两次筛入面粉+盐搅拌均匀,加入花生碎,再次拌均匀。 
3. 揉成软面团,盖好休面15分钟。 
4. 每小份约5-6克,搓成小球状,按成大小一致的圆形状,用吸管印出小圆形,抹上蛋黄液待烤。 5. 提前预热好烤箱上下火(不开风扇)170°C,烤12-15分钟即可。 

Peanut Butter Cookies 

Unsalted butter 80g 
Lard 8g Icing sugar 30g 
Creamy peanut butter 200g 
Self raising flour 230g 
Salt 1/4 tsp 
Chopped peanuts 50g 
Egg yolk 1 pcs 

1. Blend soften butter+lard+icing sugar+peanut butter well. 
2. Sifted in self raising flour + salt in batches and mix well after each addition, follow by add in peanut powder and mix well again. 
3. Knead into soft dough, cover and let it rest for 15 mins. 
4. Divide soft dough into 5-6g each portions shaping into small ball, press down to make a circle shape, use straw to make a circle (optional), brush a thin layer of egg yolk. 
5. Pre-heated oven 170°C(without fan), bake for 12-15 mins or until browned. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

超简单的DIY亲子手工红包小灯笼🏮DIY Easy Red Packets Tanglung

 如何让家里年味儿十足呢?!简单的DIY亲子手做红包小灯笼🏮,营造简单的春节氛围感。Simple DIY Chinese new year crafts with red packets, easy tang lung to create festive feels at home sweet home.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

核桃花生牛油饼 Peanut Butter Walnut Cookies

加了核桃碎+花生碎的牛油饼,本来打算今年偷懒不做年饼但C&J兴致勃勃地说还想一起做耶…好咯,一起努力吧💪🏼Walnuts + peanuts butter cookies, family friendly festive cookies. 


{材料} 核桃碎30克 花生碎20克 低筋面粉250克 玉米淀粉100克 糖粉60-80克 盐½茶匙 无盐牛油250克 鸡蛋1个 

1. 无盐牛油室温软化后,搅打至顺滑颜色变淡黄色,分2次加入蛋液拌均匀。 
2. 筛入低筋面粉+玉米淀粉+糖粉+盐,搅拌均匀。 
3. 加入提前搅碎的核桃花生碎,再次拌均匀。 
4. 搓成长条状,用保鲜膜包裹住,冷藏保存至少30分钟。 
5. 不打算做造型,直接放入模具塑形或冷藏后切成大小一致的饼干片,放上铺好烘培纸的烤盘里。做造型就把面团擀平,用饼干模器切出想要的造型,放上烤盘再冷藏保存待烤。 
6. 提前预热好烤箱上下火(不开风扇)170°C,转去150°C先烤15分钟,再调回170°C烤3-5分钟左右即可。 

Peanut Butter Walnut Cookies 

{Ingredients} Chopped walnuts 30g Chopped peanuts 20g Cake flour 250g Corn starch 100g Icing sugar 60-80g Salt ½ tsp Unsalted butter 250g Egg 1 pcs 

1. Blend soften butter until fluffy and lightly yellow, adding in egg mixture and mix well. 
2. Add in sifted cake flour + cornstarch + icing sugar + salt in batches and mix well after each addition. Do not over mix. 
3. Adding in roasted walnuts and peanuts that grind into fine texture, mix well. 
4. Direct put the soft dough on the cookies mold or shaping the dough into long strip, wrapping up and keep refrigerated at least 30mins. 
5. For shaping, use cookies cutter or just slicing it accordingly. Arrange well on baking tray and keep refrigerated again. 
6. Pre-heated oven 170°C(without fan), switch to 150°C to bake for 15 mins first, then 170°C bake for 3-5 mins or until lightly browned. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

【一锅熟年菜】鱼鳔干贝蛋花羹 Fish Maw Scallop Egg Drop Soup


鱼鳔粉丝干贝豆腐蛋花羹,春节或任何佳节都适合摆上台面的一锅熟简易佳肴。 Simply quick and easy one pot recipe during festive season, replace shark fin with glass noodle and the fish maw scallop egg drop soup still taste as delicious as usual. 



{材料} 鸡骨/大骨/鸡翅尖适量,鱼鳔(切丁),粉丝1把,金针菇1包,香菇3朵(泡发,切丁),泡香菇水半碗, 干贝适量,木耳菜(泡发切丝),胡萝卜丝适量,豆腐半盒(切丁),鸡蛋2粒(加点芝麻油打散备用),木薯粉5汤匙(加3汤匙水拌均),蒜碎1汤匙,姜碎½茶匙,葱白1茶匙,青葱丁,清水1000毫升(用高汤更佳),猪油/食用油1汤匙。 

{调味料} 料酒2汤匙, 盐 1 茶匙, 酱油2汤匙,蚝油1汤匙,黑酱油1茶匙,芝麻油1茶匙,胡椒粉和乌醋适量。 

1. 起油锅爆香葱白、蒜和姜碎,加入香菇丁,调入料酒,加入木耳丝拌炒一下,加入萝卜丝,调入盐、胡椒粉、泡香菇水和清水;加入鸡翅尖,干贝,调入蚝油、酱油和黑酱油拌一拌后盖好锅盖煮沸。 
2. 再调入芝麻油,放入鱼鳔、粉丝、金针菇和豆腐丁,轻轻地拌均盖好再次煮开。 
3. 把鸡翅尖捞起,慢慢地一边倒入栗木薯粉水一边搅拌均匀,接着倒入鸡蛋液拌均,调入少量乌醋、胡椒粉和青葱丁煮沸即可。要食用时,依个人口味再添加青葱丁/香菜丝、适量的胡椒粉和乌醋。 

Fish Maw Scallop Egg Drop Soup 

{Ingredients} Chicken / pork bones, fish maw (diced), glass noodles 1 pack, enoki mushroom 1 pack, mushroom 3pcs (soaked till tender, diced), soaked mushrooms water ½ cup, some dried scallops, some black fungus (soaked and shredded), some shredded carrots, tofu half box (diced), eggs 2 pcs (beaten with some sesame oil), tapioca flour 5 tbsp (mix with 3 tbsp of water), chopped garlic 1 tbsp, chopped ginger ½ tsp, diced bottom part of green onion 1 tsp, diced green onion, water 1000ml, pork lard/cooking oil 1 tbsp. 

{Seasonings} Shao xing wine 2 tbsp, salt 1 tsp, soy sauce 2 tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp, black soy sauce 1 tsp, sesame oil 1 tsp, some pepper and black vinegar. 

1. Heat up oil to sauté onion, garlic and ginger till fragrant, add in diced mushrooms, season in wine, add in black fungus to stir-fry, follow by add in carrots, season in salt, pepper, mushroom water and water; add in chicken bone, scallops, season in oyster sauce, soy sauce and black soy sauce to mix well, cover up and bring to boil. 
2. Season in sesame oil, add in fish maw, glass noodles, enoki mushroom and dice tofu, stir slowly and cover up to continue cook until bring to boil again. 
3. Remove chicken bone, slowly add in tapioca flour solution, follow by egg’s mixture and stirring continuously to ensure well mixed, season in some black vinegar, pepper and diced green onion and bring to boil. Serve with some green onion/ Chinese celery, pepper and black vinegar.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy 2022, 愿清醒自律知进退,别拖泥带水!



在这自我观念颇重的时代,人品果然不容忽视。福祸真的就在一念之间啊。2021年突然被动式的看清看透了一些本来模棱两可的人与事,其实毫无预警的一清二楚确实叹为观止, 嘴巴和眼睛合不起来啦😬。人呐,贵在自律; 事嘛,贵在坚持。

自律是一生都得背着不断复习的大功课,可以累了歇息一下; 但体力一旦恢复了,请继续背回它。要别人怎么待你,请记得你该用什么方法待人接物咯。世界万物都积聚在一颗大圆球的表面上,善用自己的先天气质,把自己擅长的事情做好, 别人的帮助固然起了些作用,但自己的努力始终才是关键。



一生说长不长,说短不短的,成长路上每个男女人至少会有一段暗淡无光的时候,心中充满阳光的人不断努力、就图尽早找到属于自己的出口,而相信自己是最好的方法。莎士比亚说过:“多听,少说,接受每一个人的责难,但是保留你的最后裁决。” 自律就是知道自己要什么,要成为什么样的人,要做成什么样的事,要过怎样的一生,进而努力去实现。 



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