Thursday, October 13, 2011

白胡萝卜丝炒土豆丝 Silk white carrots fried potatoes


{材料} 土豆x 300g , 白胡萝卜x 100g, 青甜椒x60g, 蒜头瓣x1-2切碎, 鱼饼切丝

{调味料} 花雕酒1茶匙, 酱油 1茶匙, 盐少许, 鸡精1/4茶匙, 水适量


1. 土豆切丝洗净淀粉.
2. 白胡萝卜切细丝浸泡盐水10-20分钟后,沥干过清水.
3. 青甜椒切丝.
4. 锅内热油爆香蒜米后放青甜椒丝进去滑炒, 加入花雕酒和酱油.
5. 加入切好的土豆丝和胡萝卜丝。翻炒均匀,别粘锅,放少许水。
6. 看土豆断生时加适量盐。可加少许鸡精,拌匀后出锅。

Silk white carrots fried potatoes

{Ingredients} Potatoes x 300g, white carrots x 100g, green bell pepper x60g, chopped garlic cloves x2 , sliced fish cake in proper amount.

{Seasonings} Hua Diao wine x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tsp, salt x ¼ tsp, chicken powder ¼ tsp, water in proper amount.


1. Potatoes, skinless and cut into shreds washed starch.
2. White carrot cut into shreds and soak in salted water for 10-20 minutes, drain off water.
3. Green bell pepper, seeded, cut into strips or dices.
4. Heat the oil in preheated wok, add the chopped garlic cloves to stir-fry until fragrant, then add in green bell pepper strips or dices, follow by Hua Diao wine and soy sauce.
5. Add in potatoes and white carrots shreds, Continue stir-fry until soft. May pour in little water.
6. Mix well till thick, adds in salt. Then chicken powder if want. Stir-fry constantly. Dish up and serve.

Previous: 妈妈美食之港式咖哩鸡 Hong Kong Style Curry Chicken

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