Monday, February 11, 2013

肉卷 Meat Rolls

妈妈的拿手菜之一, 我还是第一次自己”煮”, 味道总觉得少了妈妈的特色, 经验丰富确实不一样的! 还有很多很多需要进步的空间啦…我相信我可以的!


{材料} 猪/鸡肉碎500-600克(腿肉最好), 红萝卜一条(洗净去皮, 切碎), 香菇10朵(洗净泡软, 切碎), 茜芹适量(洗净,切碎), 葱碎适量, 腐皮适量(剪成10cmx18cm)

{腌料} 酱油1汤匙, 黑酱油½汤匙, 蚝油1汤匙, 绍兴酒1/2大匙, 五香粉1½汤匙, 盐½汤匙, 糖1茶匙, 玉米粉1汤匙, 麻油和胡椒粉少许少许; 玉米粉水适量(抹皮用的)


1. 把所有材料(除了腐皮)放入大碗里, 加入腌料搅拌均匀腌至少20-30分钟.

2. 用一张腐皮卷上适量的肉馅卷成条状后, 抹上玉米粉水收口, 重复至肉馅/腐皮用完. (如果不打算马上炸, 可以收在密封的容器放进冰箱下层保存.)

3. 要炸前先大火蒸5分钟, 热油锅, 放肉卷入热油里以中火炸成金黄色后, 沥干油剪好趁热享用.

Meat Rolls

{Ingredients} Ground pork/ chicken x 500-600g, carrot x 1 (clean and finely chopped), mushroom x 10 (soaked till soft, chopped), some celery (wash and chopped), shallots x 5-7 (chopped), and some beancurd sheet (Cut to 10cm x 18cm)

{Marinades Sauce} Soy sauce x 1tbsp, black soy saucex ½ tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, Shao Xing Wine x ½ tbsp, five spices powder x 1 ½ tbsp, salt x ½ tbsp, sugar x 1 tsp, corn starch x 1 tbsp, sesame oil and pepper in proper amount; some corn flour water (for glazing)


1. Put all materials (except beancurd sheet) into a large bowl, season with marinades sauce and marinate for at least 20-30 mins.

2. Use a piece of beancurd sheet ro roll up some marinades meats in to a strip shape, use corn flour water to close both top and bottom side, repeated this step till run out of marinades meats/ beancurd sheet. (If you do not intend to fry immediately, sealed it in container and keep refrigerated.)

3. Steamed under high heat for 5 mins before frying, heat up oil, put in the meat rolls and deep fry till golden brown, drain oil, cut it and serve hot.

做法1; method 1
做法2-3; method 2-3
Previous: 春卷牛油饼 Butter Spring Roll Cracker

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