Monday, March 10, 2014

蒸腐竹肉卷 Steamed Beancurd Skin Roll

不懂为什么, 我很爱吃腐竹, 豆皮等的有关美食; 第一次自己弄, 外貌是有点丑, 味道是绝对行的, 呵呵!


{材料} 猪肉碎与鸡肉碎适量, 粉丝(浸软剪小段), 香菇3朵(浸软切丁),鸡蛋1粒, 鲜腐皮(泡软,沥干水份备用), 蒜碎, 红葱碎, 青葱丁, 西芹叶碎, 萝卜碎,栗米粉适量

{调味料} 酱油1汤匙, 绍兴酒1/2茶匙, 五香粉1茶匙, 蚝油1/2茶匙,盐1/2茶匙, 糖与胡椒粉少许


1. 将猪鸡肉碎,香菇丁, 鸡蛋, 蒜葱碎,青葱丁, 西芹叶碎, 萝卜碎,栗米粉和调味料加入大碗中搅动拌均匀,制成肉馅备用。

2. 将腐皮摊开,放入粉丝段和肉馅,用手卷起来摆入盘中,收口的部分可以用栗粉水帮忙收紧些。(如果太多可以立即速冻!)

3. 然后, 起油锅把腐竹肉卷双面煎至微金黄色后, 放入蒸锅中蒸8分钟或至熟, 撒上少许青葱丁即可。

Steamed Bean Curd Skin Roll

{Ingredients} Minced pork and chicken in right amount, glass noodles (soaked and sectioned), mushroom (soaked and diced), eggx1, bean curd sheet (soaked and drain well), chopped garlic, chopped shallots, diced green onion, chopped celery, chopped carrot and some corn flour.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp, Shaoxing wine x ½ tsp, five spice powder x 1 tsp, oyster sauce x ½ tsp, salt x ½ tsp, some sugar and pepper


1. Place all ingredients (except glass noodles and bean curd sheet) for the filling in a large bowl and mix well.

2. Place a piece of the bean curd skin on a flat surface, put in glass noodles and filling in the middle of the bean curd skin, roll it up and fold the sides to close, can use corn flour solution to assist on closing. (After wrap if too many and keep frozen for the excess!)

3. Then, heat up oil to fry both sides of the bean curd skin roll till turn lightly golden brown, move it to steamer to steam for 8 mins or till cooked, sprinkle some diced green onion on top. Serve hot.

Previous: 菠菜番茄蛋花汤 Spinach Tomato Eggdrop Soup

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