Monday, February 25, 2013

芝麻排骨王 Sesame Thin Pork Slices


{材料} 里肌肉(也叫肉眼) 500g, 蒜头瓣x 2(剁碎) ,白芝麻适量(无油炒香备用), 洋葱丝, 红黄椒(切角状), 青瓜(去皮切片后排盘装饰)与青葱丝适量.

{腌料} 盐 ½茶匙, 糖½茶匙, 麻油½茶匙, 蚝油½大匙, 苏打粉½茶匙, 黄姜粉适量, 水4大匙, 鸡蛋 1粒打散, 粟粉 1大匙

{调味料} 番茄酱 3大匙, 辣椒酱 1大匙, 糖½大匙, 盐少许, 绍兴酒1大匙, 生抽1大匙, 急汁1茶匙, 水 3大匙 (全部搅拌均匀备用)


1. 将肉块洗净后用刀背拍打至松, 加入腌料拌匀放入冰箱腌30分钟后, 再加入鸡蛋与栗粉拌匀再腌30分钟.

2. 烧热油锅, 把腌好的肉块放入热油中炸至金黄色, 捞起沥干备用.

3. 锅里留1大匙油, 爆香蒜碎与洋葱丝, 放入红黄椒片拌炒均匀后, 加入调味料以小火煮至汁浓, 加入肉块,青葱丝和白芝麻拌匀即可.

Sesame Thin Pork Slices

{Ingredients} Pork loin x 500g, garlic cloves x 2 (chopped), some white sesame (No oil saute, set aside), shredded onion, red and yellow bell pepper (cut in big cube size), cucumber (peel off skin and sliced for plate decoration), some shredded spring onion.

{Marinades Sauce} Salt x ½ tsp, sugar x ½ tsp, sesame oil x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x ½ tbsp, soda powder x ½ tsp, some turmeric powder , water x 4 tbsp, egg x 1 (beaten), corn flour x 1 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Tomato sauce x 3 tbsp, chili sauce x 1 tbsp, sugar x ½ tbsp, a pinch of salt , Shiao Xing wine x 1 tbsp, soy sauce x 1 tbsp, worcestershire sauce x 1 tsp, water x 3 tbsp (mix all well and set aside)


1. Wash and clean the pork loin, use back of the knife to pat the loin until bit loose, add in the marimades sauce and put in refrigerator for 30 min, then add in beaten egg mixture and corn flour, marinate for another 30 min.

2. Heat up the pan with oil, put in the marinated pork loin to fry until golden brown, remove and drain off the oil.

3. Hot pan leave a tbsp of oil to saute the chopped garlic and shredded onion until fragrant, add in red and yellow pepper slice and stir evenly, add seasonings to heat and simmer to thicken the sauce, add in fried pork loins, shredded springs onion and some white sesame to mix well and serve.

做法; METHOD 1
做法3; MRTHOD 3
Previous: 蒸菜包子 Steamed Veggies Bun

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