Wednesday, February 13, 2013

蒸菜包子 Steamed Veggies Bun

蒸菜包子 Steamed Veggies Bun
为了把吃剩的的鱿鱼沙葛炒快点解决掉, 灵机一动的学做包子...原来包子比面包容易呢, 成功率很高哦!


{材料} 温水1杯, 糖1茶匙, 盐½茶匙, 即溶酵母 2茶匙, 麻油1茶匙, 橄榄油1茶匙, 面粉3杯, 泡打粉5克

{馅料} 鱿鱼沙葛炒


1. 先把温水, 糖, 盐与即溶酵母放入大碗中搅拌均匀.

2. 然后再加入麻油, 橄榄油, 面粉与泡打粉搓成圆型, 盖上湿布/保鲜膜让它发60-70分钟至双倍大. (放在温水的大碗内或是预热烤箱100-120◦C内会加速发酵的过程.)

3. 撒些许面粉在准备搓面团的地方, 将发酵好的面团粘上少许面粉以防粘手, 分成适合的大小形状, 用拇指与食指当剪刀把面团分成大约16粒的份量. (分好的面团要盖好保湿!)

4. 扞成包子皮后, 包入馅料, 用油纸或是烘焙杯子做为包子的底部支撑以防粘锅.

5. 将包好的包子休面15分钟后, 开中火蒸20分钟即可. 关火后先不要急于开盖, 等过10分钟以后才开锅盖取出包子趁热享用.

Steamed Veggies Bun

{Ingredients} Warm water x 1 cup, sugar x 1 tsp, salt x ½ tsp, instant yeast x 2 tsp, sesame oil x 1 tsp, olive oil x 1 tsp, all purpose flour x 3 cups, baking powder x 5 g

{Filling} Mengguang-Char or Jiu-hu Char


1. First, dissolve sugar, salt and yeast in a large bowl with warm water and mix it well.

2. Then, add in sesame oil, olive oil, flour and baking powder to mix and knead till shape into a smooth ball, cover with wet cloth or plastic wrap, leave aside to prove till double in bulk in between 60-70 mins.(Can put into a warm water big bowl or inside pre-heated oven at 100-120◦C to speed up the prove process.)

3. Sprinkle some flour on top of the surface that use for knead the dough, put the dough on top of it to prevent stick on hand/glove, divide dough into 16 portions. ( Cover divided dough to keep moisture.)

4. Roll flat and wrap up with filling, use wax paper or baking cup as support. Lift and pinch, then twist the edge to seal it.

5. Rest for 15 mins, the steam for 20 mins under medium heat. Do not open the cover immediately after done steam, wait for 10 mins rest only open and enjoy the bun.

做法1; method 1
做法2; method 2
做法3-4; method 3-4
做法5;  method 5 

Previous: 肉卷 Meat Rolls

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