Thursday, August 8, 2013

三文鱼肉碎炒饭 Salmon Fried rice

三文鱼又称为鲑鱼, 不习惯生吃它,   可以选择煎炒, 熬汤, 清蒸或者成为其它菜肴的配料同样美味鲜嫩. 三文鱼最宜煎煮至九成熟, 外面熟透, 内部仍保持橙红色, 据说这时候的口感是最好的.


{材料} 三文鱼肉一块, 隔夜白饭2碗, 带子1大匙, 胡萝卜丝, 香菇丝, 蟹柳丝, 蒜碎, 洋葱碎, 姜碎, 小白菜丝适量, 鸡蛋 2 个 (调入盐与胡椒粉少许, 打散成蛋液)

{腌料} 烧烤酱 ½ 大匙, 黑胡椒粉与盐少许.

{调味料} 橄榄油2大匙, 麻油1茶匙, 酱油1 ½ 大匙, 蚝油½ 大匙, 盐1茶匙, 九层塔粉, 黑胡椒粉适量.


1. 三文鱼肉用腌料腌30分钟, 起油锅把三文鱼块以中火煎至熟后, 把煎好的三文鱼肉弄成小碎块备用.

2. 热油锅,把鸡蛋液下锅炒熟炒碎盛起备用.

3. 锅内留些许油, 加上一茶匙麻油与2大匙的橄榄油爆香蒜, 洋葱与姜碎, 加入其它材料拌炒大约3-5分钟. (白饭最后放, 除了小白菜丝.)

4. 然后, 调入酱油, 蚝油与盐拌炒均匀后, 放入三文鱼肉与蛋碎拌炒一分钟, 最后再加入小白菜丝翻炒均匀即可.

Salmon Fried rice

{Ingredients} Salmon fillet x 1, rice x 2 bowls, scallop x 1 tbsp, some shredded carrot, shredded mushroom, shredded crab’s fillet, chopped garlic, chopped onion, chopped ginger, shredded veggies, eggs x 2 (season with salt and pepper, beaten)

{Marinades Sauce} Teriyaki or barbeque sauce x ½ tbsp, some black pepper and salt.

{Seasonings} Olive oil x 2 tbsp, sesame oil x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 ½ tbsp, oyster sauce x ½ tbsp, salt x 1 tsp, some basil powder and black pepper.


1. Marinate salmon fillets with the marinades sauce for 30 mins, heat up pan to deep fry it under medium heat until cooked, and break the salmon into small pieces.

2. Leave some oil in wok, add in egg mixture to stir-fry until 80% cooked, take it out and set aside.

3. Mix the oil in wok with sesame and olive oil to stir-fry chopped garlic, onion and ginger until fragrant, add in others ingredient to stir-fry for around 3-5 mins. (Except shredded veggies, and lastly only add in rice.)

4. Then, season it with soy sauce, oyster sauce and salt to mix well, add in salmon and eggs to continue stir-fey for 1 min, lastly add in shredded veggies to mix well and serve immediately.

Previous: 麻油猪肉蛋 Sesame Pork Egg

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