梅子彩椒 Plum Pepper

此菜肴可以当餐前小吃或是其它主食的配料, 它配搭简单的家常西餐很不错哦!


{材料} 红黄青甜椒 (洗净切丝)适量, 干话梅肉十颗, 白糖1茶匙, 热水300毫升。


1. 干话梅肉与白糖事先用热水浸泡成酸酸梅汁备用。

2. 切好的彩椒放入适量的冰水中浸泡大约十五分钟。

3. 然后,把彩椒捞出沥干水分, 浸泡在凉透的酸梅汁中, 放入冰箱冷藏3小时左右即可。

Plum Pepper

{Ingredients} Bell pepper in red, yellow and green color (wash and shredded), dried salted plum x 10, sugar x 1 tsp, hot water 300ml.


1. Soaked plum in hot water together with sugar, set aside.

2. Then, soaked shredded bell peppers in cold water for around 15 mins.

3. Drain the bell pepper well and move it to sok in plum juice that already cooling down, put in fridge for at least 3 hours and ready to serve.

Previous: 油煎蘑菇 Fried Mushrooms


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