Saturday, January 11, 2014

西芹甜椒清炒干贝花枝 Celery and bell pepper stir fried squid and scallops


{材料} 西芹, 甜椒, 干贝, 花枝, 萝卜丝, 青葱丁, 姜碎, 蒜碎适量。

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙, 绍兴酒1/2 大匙,盐1/2 茶匙, 鸡粉1/2 茶匙, 清水适量与栗粉水1大匙。


1. 烧热一锅加入姜碎与青葱丁的水, 放入花枝川烫大约一分钟后捞起, 放入冷水碗中待用。

2. 热油锅爆香蒜碎, 加入西芹, 甜椒, 干贝和萝卜丝及调味料(除了栗粉水), 拌炒至水滚后加入花枝。

3. 转大火快炒至水滚后, 用栗粉水勾芡即可。

Celery and bell pepper stir fried squid and scallops

{Ingredients} Some celery, bell pepper, scallop, squid, shredded carrot, diced onion, chopped ginger and garlic.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, shaoxing wine x ½ tbsp., salt x ½ tsp, chicken powder x ½ tsp, some water and cornflour solution.


1. Bring a pot of water that with diced onion and chopped ginger to boil, add in squid to blanch with boiled water for around 1 min, remove and soak in cold water.

2. Heat up oil and sauté the chopped garlic till fragrant, add in celery, bell pepper, scallop and shredded carrot plus seasonings (except corn flour solution), continue stir-fry until is boiling, add in the squid.

3. Turn to high heat to fry until another boiling happen, thicken it with corn flour solution and ready to serve.

Previous: 香煎鱼饼 Fried Fish Cakes

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