Monday, February 10, 2014

清水蛋糕 Clear Water Cake (Sponge Cake)

清水蛋糕是从网路上看到的简易蛋糕食谱, 需要的材料不多。 不要问我为什么它叫清水蛋糕但却不用一滴水。根据网路的答案好像是因为它做出来清清澈澈简简单单的关系…


{材料A} 蛋白6个, 幼糖100克, 白醋3滴,盐1/2 茶匙。

{材料B}蛋黃6个, 全蛋2个, 栗米油100克

{材料C} 低筋面粉100克 (过筛)


1. 将所有材料B的蛋黃与全蛋用手搅拌器先拌均匀后,加入栗米油再拌均匀.

2. 然后, 加入材料C再拌均勻. (不要过度搅拌)

3. 接着, 將材料A的蛋白加几滴醋打至出現粗泡沫后, 分三次加入幼糖与盐打至干性发泡. ( 拉起打蛋器,一点都不会弯下来的状态。)

4. 再把做法3的蛋白糊的三分之一加入做法2的蛋黄糊中, 同一方向上下轻轻翻拌均匀, 不可画圈。

5. 再把拌均的蛋黄糊倒入剩下的蛋白糊中再次以翻拌均匀, 震几下把大气泡震出, 再倒入已抹上一层油的模具中约八分满, 用水浴法以180◦C/350◦F上下火烤60-70分钟至表面金黄色即可。

6. 让蛋糕在烤箱里闷上5分钟, 出炉后待冷再脱模, 可以马上食用或放入冰箱冷藏2小时后再食用味道也不错。

***水浴法是在烤盘上加水, 再把模具放上。

Clear Water Cake (Sponge Cake)

{Ingredients A} Egg white x 6, caster sugar x 100g, white vinegar 3 drops, salt x ½ tsp.

{Ingredients B} egg yolks x 6, eggs x 2, corn oil x 100g.

{Ingredients C} Cake flour x 100g (sifted)


1. Mix ingredients B egg yolks x 6 and 2 eggs first with hand mixer and then only add in corn oil to continue mix them well.

2. Then, fold in ingredients C and mix well. (Do not over stir!)

3. Whisk ingredients A-egg whites with vinegar until got bubbles, separated the sugar with salt to 3 portions and add in 1 portion each time to whisk until stiff but not dry. (egg whites can form into small peak)

4. Then, add in 1/3 of method 3 egg white’s mixture into method 2 mixture, mix in 1 direction by up-down style and do turn mix bowl to let them simply well-combined.

5. Then pour method 4’s mixture to the balance of egg white’s mixture to continue mix them up in one direction, when both mixtures is mixed, knock out the air bubbles before pour into the cake pan that lightly grease, bake in a water bath for 60-70 mins or golden brown at 180◦C/350◦F.

6. Leave to cool in oven about 5 mins, remove from oven and leave to cool completely before removing the cake from the pan, can be eat directly or refrigerate for 2 hours before eating will has a better taste.

*** Baking in a water bath mean filled the baking sheet with water, this provides the sauna effect but do not add dampness to the cake.

 Previous: 肉碎萝卜丝炒冬粉 Glass Noodles with Minced Pork and Carrot

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