Friday, June 20, 2014

蟹肉蛋卷 Crabmeat Egg Rolls

原来厨艺还是不太精的我懒了两周后的成果都“惨不忍睹”, 蛋皮煎得太厚, 很难卷得起来啊, 呵呵!不好意思, 献丑啦...

{材料} 鸡蛋2个, 蟹肉卷2条, 栗粉2大匙

{调味料} 盐1茶匙, 胡椒粉与麻油少许


1. 鸡蛋打入碗中, 加入栗粉与调味料搅拌均匀备用。

2. 热油锅, 放入蛋液煎成薄蛋皮。

3. 蟹肉卷洗净, 放入沸水川烫一下, 取出沥干。

4. 把蟹肉卷放在蛋皮上卷起来。

5. 再切成小块状, 中间用牙签固定起来即可。

Crab Meat Egg Rolls

{Ingredients} Eggs x 2, crab sticks x 2, corn starch x 2 tbsp

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, some pepper and sesame oil


1. Beat eggs in a bowl, add corn starch and seasonings, lightly beat till well blended.

2. Heat up oil in frying pan, pour in egg mixture and fry into thin egg layer.

3. Rinse crab sticks, blanch with boiling water, drain well and set aside.

4. Place crab stick on egg layer and roll up.

5. Then, cut into small portion and secure by piercing toothpick through centre.

Previous: 豆卜肉丸 Soybean Cake Meatballs

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