Friday, February 6, 2015

芦笋香菇番茄意大利面 Spaghetti with Asparagus, Mushroom and Tomatoes

芦笋香菇番茄意大利面 Spaghetti with Asparagus, Mushroom and Tomatoes


{材料}意大利面,芦笋(切段状),香菇丝,番茄丁,白菜花,红辣椒碎,蒜碎,葱碎,水煮蛋, 培根2片(用微波炉30秒叮热,弄碎备用)。

{调味料}橄榄油3汤匙,盐 ½ 茶匙,鸡粉,糖和牛至粉适量。


1. 用沸水加点油和盐把芦笋和菜花川烫,过冷水备用。

2. 水加少许盐与橄榄油煮开后, 放入面条煮大约九分钟, 捞起过冷水备用。

3. 热3大匙橄榄油锅, 放入蒜碎,葱碎,辣椒碎和香菇丝炒香, 加入番茄丁拌炒至出红油后,加入芦笋和菜花翻炒一下。

4. 然后, 加入面条与调味料翻炒一会儿即可上碟。

5. 最后,再把水煮蛋和培根碎摆上就可享用。(不放也行啦!)

Spaghetti with Asparagus, Mushroom and Tomatoes

{Ingredients} Spaghetti, asparagus (sectioned), shredded mushroom, diced tomatoes, some cauliflorets, chopped red chili, chopped garlic and chopped onion, hard boiled eggs x 3, bacons x 2 slices (Microwave 30 seconds and make it to tiny bite sized).

{Seasonings} Olive oil x 3 tbsp, salt x ½ tsp, some chicken powder, sugar and oregano powder.


1. Blanch asparagus and cauliflower in boiling water that add with some salt and oil, rinse through cold water and set aside.

2. Bring some water with salt and olive oil to a boil; add spaghetti to boiling water to cook for 9 mins, stirring occasionally. Remove and drain with cold water.

3. Heat up pan with 3 tbsp of olive oil to saute chopped garlic, onion, red chili and shredded mushroom till fragrant, add in diced tomatoes to cook for a while only add in asparagus and cauliflorets to continue stir-frying.

4. Then, add in spaghetti and seasonings continue to stirring for well mixed.

5. Lastly, transfering to serving plate and add in hard-boiled egg and some chopped bacons. (optional)

Previous:番茄萝卜辣椒炒意大利面 Tomato, Carrot and Chili Fried Spaghetti

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