Friday, July 10, 2020

鸡蛋葱油饼 Scallions Egg Pancake

鸡蛋葱油饼 Scallions Egg Pancake



{材料A} 面粉200克,盐2克,热开水90克,冷水30克,玉米油1茶匙。


{材料C} 青葱丁(洗净,泡在了一点油和盐的温开水中10分钟,沥干和用厨房纸巾稍微收干备用),盐一点点和五香粉适量。

{材料D} 鸡蛋4粒。

{酱料调味料} 黑酱油1茶匙,酱油 ½ 茶匙, 番茄酱1茶匙,五香粉 ½ 茶匙,水3汤匙,芝麻油,蒜碎,糖和胡椒粉少许,混合均匀。


1. 材料A:粉料筛过后逐步加入盐和热开水用筷子搅拌成絮状后再加入冷水搅拌均匀。加入1茶匙玉米油用手大概揉成面团,静置松弛45分钟至1小时比较好揉合成面团。

2. 等的过程吧材料B和C准备好。

3. 面团静置好后取出,揉成稍微光滑的面团,平均分成4份。

4. 拿一份面团擀成长形的面皮,在表面上涂上材料B,再撒上材料C(盐真的一点点就好,口味淡不放也行啦。)

5. 把一半的面皮向另一边折对1/3, 然后由一头开始卷起卷成卷后,收口捏紧竖放。把另外三分面团也卷好竖放。

6. 再把每一份面卷按扁成不太厚也不太薄的大饼状。(隔天早上用的话,记得每个饼之间一定要放张油纸隔开避免黏在一起,盖上保鲜膜放入冰箱冷藏。隔天早上拿出即可煎。)

7. 平底锅中适量的油烧热,将饼放入双面煎成金黄色, 盛起抹上酱料备用。

8. 平底锅再加一点油,打一粒鸡蛋进去煎至单面半熟时,加入适量的酱料再放入煎好的饼煎至熟再翻面将另一面煎熟就好。(酱料也可以煎时不放,吃时拿来蘸着吃也行啦。)

Scallion Egg Pancake

{Ingredients A} Flour x 200g, salt x 2g, hot water x 90g, cold water x 30g, corn oil x 1 tsp.

{Ingredients B} Hup Loong Cook’s frying powder x 20g, corn oil x 30g (Use pork lard for more fragrant even not that healthy!), salt x 2g. Heat up corn oil in a pan under low heat, then pour over into the bowl that with frying powder and salt to mix them till well-combined.

{Ingredients C} Diced green onion (washed, soaked in warm water that add in with some oil and salt for 10 mins, drain well and dry it with kitchen towel), some salt and five spices powder.

{Ingredients D} Eggs x 4.

{Sauce Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x ½ tsp, tomato sauce x 1 tsp, five spices powder x ½ tsp, water x 3 tbsp, some sesame oil, chopped garlic, some sugar and pepper, mix them well.


1. Ingredients A: Sifted the flour, add in salt and mix them well; follow by add in hot water and continue to stir till well combined, add in cold water to mix again till well combined. Add in 1 tsp of corn oil to knead the dough and let it sit aside for at least 45 mins or 1 hour.

2. While waiting, prepare ingredient B and C.

3. Once the dough well “rest”, slightly continue knead till get the smooth dough and divide to 4 portions.

4. Each portion roll it to long oval shape , put on ingredient B follow by ingredient C (A pinch of salt will do else can be ignore.)

5. Then, fold and roll it up, follow by seal it up tight and let it rest vertically. Repeat these steps for each portions.

6. Flatten the dough by press it firmly to make a non too thick or too thin layer of big circle. (If only use next morning, pls cover with a layer of baking paper or food wraps for each pcs of the flatten uncooked pancake and keep refrigerated.)

7. Heat up 1tsp of oil in frying pan, put in a pcs of uncooked pancake to fry till both side shown light golden yellow, dish up and put on the seasoning’s sauce.

8. Add in some oil in the frying pan to fry the egg, add about ½ tsp of seasoning’s sauce when egg is half way cook, follow by put back in the cooked pancake to cook till both side is cooked. (Seasoning’s sauce can use as dipping sauce if do not prefer to use it while cooking.)

Previous: 简易酱蒸鱼 Steamed Fish with Quick Sauces

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