Friday, July 3, 2020

热狗蛋面包 Hot Dog Egg Bun

热狗蛋面包 Hot Dog Egg Bun 


{材料} 热狗面包1个,热狗1条,鸡蛋1粒。

{配料} 圣女果和小黄瓜适量。


1. 面包对半切开(但没切断)备用。

2. 不沾锅抹上薄薄一层无盐牛油先把热狗煎熟推去锅边,再把鸡蛋打入煎至半熟再把热狗加入卷起煎至鸡蛋熟。

3. 然后,把热狗蛋卷放入面包中间即可趁热享用。(可以放上适量的辣椒酱,配料随意哈!)

Hot Dog Egg Bun

{Ingredients} Hot dog bun x 1, hot dog x 1, egg x 1.

{Side dishes} Some cherry tomatoes, mini cucumber slices.


1. Cut down the middle of hot dog bun. (Do not cut all the through ya!)

2. Non-stick pan, layer with a thin unsalted butter to fry the hot dog till cook and push aside, break an egg into the pan to fry till half cook, put back the cooked hot dog and roll it up to continue cook till egg is fully cooked.

3. Then, put the cooked hot dog egg roll in the middle of the hot dog bun and serve hot. ( Top with some chili sauce, side dishes according to personal preference ya!)

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