Friday, July 17, 2020

海鲜炒面 Seafood Fried Noodle

海鲜炒面 Seafood Fried Noodle 


{材料} 面条适量(过热水川烫一分钟左右),花枝圈适量,蟹柳3条(切块状),鱼饼片适量,虾适量,鸡蛋3粒(加点胡椒粉打散备用),肉碎3汤匙(加点芝麻油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),青菜适量(用加了点盐和油的沸水川烫1分钟,捞起备用),蒜碎3汤匙和小红葱碎适量。

{调味料} 黑酱油1茶匙,酱油2汤匙,豆瓣酱 ½ 茶匙,蚝油1茶匙,高汤 ½ 杯 。


1. 起油锅先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。

2. 再起3汤匙油锅爆香蒜葱碎, 加入肉碎,花枝圈,蟹柳,鱼饼和调味料拌炒均匀。

3. 然后,加入面条和虾拌炒2分钟左右后加入鸡蛋和青菜炒均匀或至汁收干即可。

Seafood Fried Noodle

{Ingredients} Noodle (Blanch over with hot water for 1 mins), some squid ring, crabsticks x 3 (sliced), some fish cake slices, some shrimps, egg x 3(beaten with some pepper), minced meat x 3tbsp (marinate with some sesame oil and pepper for 5 mins), some green vegetables, some chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 2 tbsp, bean paste x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, broths x ½ cup.


1. Heat up oil to fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside.

2. Heat up frying pan with 3 tbsp of olive oil to saute chopped garlic and shallot till fragrant, add in minced meat, squid, crab sticks, fish cakes plus seasonings to stir-fry till well combined.

3. Then, add in noodle and shrimps to continue stir-frying for about 2 mins only add in egg and veggies to cook till gravy is thickening, serve hot.

Previous:核桃黑糖香蕉蛋糕 Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cake

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