Thursday, February 7, 2013

紫菜春卷脆饼 Crispy Seaweed Cracker

最爱它卡滋卡滋的爽脆口感, 想不到竟然有亲手做好它的本事, 吃不到又较难买到逼走我的懒惰感…贪吃让我努力学习去做到自己想吃的东西, 嘻嘻!!


{材料} 春卷皮或是薄饼皮, 寿司紫菜或即食紫菜适量, 芝麻少许, 鸡蛋1粒.

{调味料} 盐少许( 打蛋时加入提味, 如果是用即食紫菜无需再加盐哦!)


1. 先把大片的春卷皮涂上打散的鸡蛋液, 贴上一片紫菜后, 可以撒上些许芝麻, 卷成细细地小圆形.(或着是用两片春卷皮与一片紫菜也行)

2. 放进冰箱大概30分钟, 用剪刀剪成自己想要的形状后, 热油锅以中火炸至金黄色捞起, 沥油稍微待凉就可放进罐子里.(如果喜欢”重口味”可以再撒些许盐!)

Crispy Seaweed Cracker

{Ingredients} Spring roll pastry, roasted seaweed and some sesame, egg x 1

{Seasonings} Some salt. (Add during beaten the egg, if use ready to eat seaweed, no need add salt!)


1. Place a slice of spring roll pastry on a flat surface, spread beaten egg mixture on top of pastry, put a slice of seaweed on top of the pastry, sprinkle some sesame on top and then roll it up.(Or you may choose to use 2 slice of spring roll pastry with 1 slice of seaweed.)

2. Keep refrigerated for 30 min, use scissor shape it up, heat the frying pan and use medium heat to deep fry till golden brown color, remove and drain oil, leave to cool before store it in sealed containers. (If prefer strong taste, can sprinkle little salt on top again!)

一片春卷皮与一片紫菜的做法; Method 1 with 1 slice of spring roll pastry and seaweed.
两片春卷皮与一片紫菜与此同时另一种一片式的做法; method 1 with 2 slices of spring roll pastry and 1 slice of seaweed.
做法2;method 2
Previous: 猪肉干 Chinese BBQ Pork Jerky

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