Friday, October 31, 2014

香肠番茄炒饭 Sausage Tomatoes Fried Rice

Sausage Tomatoes Fried Rice

{材料} 香肠1条(切片), 番茄1粒(洗净,切丁), 隔夜米饭, 萝卜丝,蒜碎,鸡蛋2粒(加少许盐,胡椒粉与麻油打散备用),九层塔粉少许(不放也可)

{调味料}盐1茶匙,鸡粉 ½ 茶匙,糖与胡椒粉少许


1. 烧热3大汤匙油锅将蒜碎爆香,加入香肠片, 番茄丁和萝卜丝以大火快炒至均匀后推去锅边。

2. 加入一半的蛋液, 炒至半熟后加入白饭翻炒一下。

3. 将其余的蛋液与调味料加入, 把刚才推去一边的材料加入继续拌炒至松散均匀后, 撒上九层塔粉翻炒一下即可。

Sausage Tomatoes Fried Rice

{Ingredients} Sausage x 1 (slices), tomato x 1 (washed and diced), overnight cooked rice, shredded carrot, chopped garlic, egg x 2 (beaten with some salt, pepper and sesame oil), some basil powder(optional)

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, chicken powder x ½ tsp, some sugar and pepper


1. Heat up 3 tbsp oil in wok to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in sliced sausage, diced tomato and carrot to stir fry over high heat till well mixed and push aside.

2. Add in half of eggs mixture, stir-frying until half cooked and add in rice to continue slightly stir fry.

3. Add in the rest of egg mixture and seasonings as well as other ingredients that just push aside to stir-fry until aromatic, sprinkle up some basil powder to mix well and serve hot.

Previous: 烧肉意大利面 Roasted Pork Fried Spaghetti

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