五香青椒菇炒肉片 Sauteed Five Spices with Pork

五香青椒菇炒肉片 Sauteed Five Spices with Pork


{材料} 青甜椒(切块状),菌菇(洗净),肉片(用一点酱油和胡椒粉腌上10分钟),萝卜丝,青葱丝,姜片,红辣椒碎和小红葱碎。

{调味料} 酱油1汤匙,米酒1茶匙, 蚝油 ½ 茶匙,糖1茶匙,五香粉和鸡粉少许,水3大匙,栗粉水1茶匙。


1. 热油锅,放入肉片过油至色变捞起沥油备用。

2. 再热2-3大匙的油锅爆香青葱,小红葱,姜和辣椒碎后,加入青甜椒,菌菇和萝卜丝翻炒一下。

3. 然后,调入调味料和加入肉片翻炒至汁稍微浓即可。

Sautéed Five Spices with Pork

{Ingredients} Green bell pepper (diced), mushroom (wash), slices porks (marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 10 mins), shredded carrots, shredded green onion, some ginger slices, chopped red chili and shallots.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp, rice wine x 1tsp, oyster sauce x ½ tsp, sugar x 1 tsp, some five spice powder and chicken powder, water x 3 tbsp, corn flour solution x 1 tsp.


1. Heat up some oil to stir-fry the pork slices till change color and drain well, set aside.

2. Heat up another 2-3 tbsp of oil to sauté green onion, shallot, ginger and chili till fragrant; add in bell pepper, mushroom and carrot to stir-fry a while.

3. Then, season in the seasonings and add in pork slices to continue stir-fry till thick and aromatic. Dish up.

Previous:日式炼奶面包 Japanese Condensed Milk Bread


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