Wednesday, December 24, 2014

日式炼奶面包 Japanese Condensed Milk Bread

日式炼奶面包 Japanese Condensed Milk Bread
大半年前网上走红的面包,那时刚好转换心情迎来好孕的消息,不搞烘培好好安胎。近期虽然踏入挑战性的孕晚期,心却痒痒很想吃自己做的面包。为了与天使有个甜蜜烘培回忆,孕期第一次在她的配合合作下,没给我太大的胎动和不适,两人一心地把这面包烤好,屋子飘起了很久没有的面包香,满足啊!食谱参考厨苑食谱Winnie’s Kitchen Work


{材料A} 高筋面粉200克,炼奶15克,牛奶120克,糖20克,酵母3克,盐3克,无盐牛油(室温)20克

{材料B} 炼奶20克,无盐牛油(室温)20克,搅拌均匀成炼奶牛油酱。

{抹皮和装饰} 全蛋液,蔓越莓干


1. 将所有材料A混合,用低速度搓成光滑面团, 大约10分钟左右。

2. 取出面团,揉成圆形放入碗中,盖上保鲜膜让它发酵至双倍大。

3. 用手指按下去,不回弹变完成。

4. 把发好的面团排气压至长方形, 平均切成4条,每条双面涂上材料B。

5. 把四条面条小心叠起,再平均切成7-8份后垂直放入已预先涂好牛油的蛋糕模中。(有戚风模用最好,没有的可学我用普通蛋糕模在中间放入一个小模具便可。)

6. 用保鲜膜包好,作第二次发酵,大约45分钟或直到面团已经发满整个模具。

7. 扫上全蛋液令面包上色,再撒上蔓越莓干,放入170◦C/350◦F预热烤箱烤约25分钟即成。

8. 烘好的面包待冷后,取出中间的小模具后,切片即可享用。

Japanese Condensed Milk Bread

{Ingredients A} Bread flour x 200g, condensed milk x 15g, milk x 120g, sugar x 20g, instant dry yeast x 3g, salt x 3g, softened unsalted butter x 20g

{Ingredients B} Condensed milk x 20g, softened unsalted butter x 20g, mix well in a small bowl.

{Glazing and decoration} Egg mixture, dried cranberries


1. Mix all ingredients A in a mixing bowland knead till well combined, about 10 mins.

2. Remove dough from mixing bowl, shape into a smooth ball and cover up with plastic wrap and leave to prove till double in bulk.

3. To test, press with finger.

4. Punch down and roll out into a rectangle shape, cut into 4 strips, each strip glaze with ingredient B for both sides.

5. Stack up 4 strips of dough carefully, cut equally to 7-8 portions and arrange all in greased pan (Use chiffon pan if got, else can use normal pan and add in small mold in center.)

6. Wrap again with plastic wrap; keep in warm place to let it rise again till double, about 45 mins.

7. Brush with egg mixture and add in dried cranberries on top of dough, bake in preheated oven at 170◦C/350◦F for about 25 mins.

8. Remove from oven, leave to cool only remove the small mold in center before serving.

Previous:蚝油四季豆肉片 French Bean Stir-fry Pork with Oyster Sauce

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