Friday, February 13, 2015

电饭锅整个番茄培根饭 Rice Cooker Whole Tomatoes Bacon Rice

Rice Cooker Whole Tomatoes  Bacon Rice


{材料}番茄2颗(过热水去皮备用), 白米2杯,萝卜丁,青豆,鸡高汤 ½ 杯,蒜碎1大匙,培根3片(切丝),牛油 ½ 汤匙,盐 ½ 茶匙,胡椒粉少许。


1. 白米洗净后,加入1 ½ 杯的水,鸡高汤,盐,胡椒粉和其它所有材料搅拌均匀。

2. 然后,加入2颗番茄用煮饭设定煮熟后再焖上十分钟,接下来就把番茄压碎与饭混合均匀即可趁热享用。

3. 可以自行加个荷包蛋点缀一下。

Rice Cooker Whole Tomatoes Bacon Rice

{Ingredients} Tomato x 2 (Blanch over hot water to remove skin), white rice x 2 cups, diced carrots, green pea, chicken stock x ½ cup, chopped garlic x 1 tbsp, bacon x 3 (shredded), butter x ½ tbsp, salt x ½ tsp, some pepper.


1. Wash rice and add in 1 ½ cup water, chicken stock, salt, pepper and other ingredients to stir till well combined.

2. Then, add in tomatoes and press start to cook in rice cooker till cooked and then press down the tomatoes to let it well mix with cooked rice, serve hot.

3. Can fry an overhard egg to add in serving plate. (Optional)

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