Thursday, January 26, 2012

金凤烧鸡 Golden phoenix roasted chicken

新春佳节, 年菜一定少不了哦...这是一道简单又易做的佳肴, 与男女人们共享啦!

Golden phoenix roasted chicken

{材料} 鸡全只 x 1

{调味料} 五香粉 x 1大匙 , 蚝油x2大匙, 糖与盐适量, 蒜蓉, 姜汁(老姜去皮, 3-5片搅成汁), 腐乳x 2 块(弄碎); 调成腌料备用. **蜜糖 (烤好时才会用)


1. 鸡洗净后, 抹干水分.
2. 将腌料抹在鸡的里与外, 然后放着至少2小时或更长. 腌的时间越长越入味. (腌1小时后, 也可放入冰箱待用)
3. 把烘炉预热后, 热度调在180-200度C, 把鸡放入烤20分钟后; 把鸡翻去另一面, 再烤个15-20分钟左右.
4. 烤好后, 马上从烘炉拿出; 用蜜糖抹上鸡全身, 让鸡皮有脆香的口感. 待凉后, 鸡斩成块状即可.

Golden phoenix roasted chicken

{Ingredients} Whole chicken x 1

{Seasonings} Five spices powder x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x 2 tbsp, sugar and salt in proper amount, garlic x 3-5 cloves (finely chopped), ginger juice (3-5 slices skinless old ginger, to blend it become juice), fermented bean curd x 2 pcs (minced); mix well as marinades. ** honey (use only when done roasted)


1. Wash and clean up chicken.
2. Marinate chicken with the marinade for minimum 2 hours or even longer. (Rub inside and skin, after marinate for 1 hour may keep it in the refrigerator)
3. Preheat oven, put in marinated chicken on rack and bake at 180-200◦C for 20 min; turn the chicken to another side; continue bake for another 15-20 min until golden brown.
4. Once done baked, coated chicken with a layer of honey to make skin crispy. Cut chicken into serving pieces and serve.

Previous: 马铃薯肉

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