Saturday, May 21, 2016

当归红枣枸杞鸡汤 Chicken Soup with Chinese Angelica, Red Dates and Goji Berries

当归红枣枸杞鸡汤 Chicken Soup with Chinese Angelica, Red Dates and Goji Berries
Making the herbal soup in progress...



{材料} 鸡肉块6-8块(洗净血水,浸泡清水30分钟), 当归头2块,红枣7颗,枸杞适量。

{调味料} 盐适量。


1. 取一深锅,注入八分满的清水,先放入当归头煮沸后再加入鸡肉块和红枣以小火炖上2小时。

2. 最后加入枸杞再炖20-30分钟即可,食用时调入盐调味。

Chicken Soup with Chinese Angelica, Red Dates and Goji Berries

{Ingredients} Chicken pieces 6-8pcs (wash and soaked in clear water for 30 mins), Chinese angelica x 2 pcs, red dates x 7, some goji berries.

{Seasonings} Some salt.


1. Bring a deep pot of clear water that add in the Chinese angelica to boil , add in chicken pieces and red dates to stew under low heat for about 2 hours.

2. Lastly, add in the goji berries and stew for another 20-30 mins, add salt to taste when ready to serve.

Previous: 小鱼干高丽菜 Fried Anchovies Cabbage


  1. 对,好久不见,你好。

  2. 当然记得,你是我偷师的重要人物之一呢...忘不了滴!


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