Friday, May 13, 2016

菇丁酱香蒸鱼片 Mushroom Soy Sauce Steamed Fish Fillets

菇丁酱香蒸鱼片 Mushroom Soy Sauce Steamed Fish Fillets


{材料} 香菇3朵(浸泡至软后切成丁状), 香菜叶(洗净用加了点油和盐的热水川烫一下备用), 鱼片2块(洗净,用一点盐,酸梅酱和胡椒粉腌30分钟),蒜碎1汤匙。

{调味料} 酱油1汤匙。


1. 起3汤匙油锅爆香蒜碎后加入香菇丁炒至香,调入酱油呛锅后马上熄火。

2. 蒸锅上先把水煮开,把腌好的鱼片放入蒸盘后,淋上做法1的酱料。

3. 大火蒸上6-8分钟(看鱼片的厚度),熄火撒上香菜叶拌均即可。

Mushroom Soy Sauce Steamed Fish Fillets

{Ingredients} Mushroom x 3 (soaked until tender, diced), cilantro leaves (wash and blanch over hot water that add with some salt and oil, drain well and set aside), cat fish fillets x 2 (wash and marinate with some salt, plum sauce and pepper for 30 mins), chopped garlic x 1 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp


1. Heat up 3 tbsp oil to sauté chopped garlic and mushroom till fragrant, season in the soy sauce and then off the heat.

2. Boiling the water in steamer under high heat, put the marinated fish fillets on the steamed dish, pour in the method 1 sauce.

3. Steam for 608 mins (depend on the thickness of the fillets), switch off the heat and sprinkle up the cilantro leaves and serve hot.

Previous: 番茄玉米排骨汤 Tomatoes, Corn and Pork Ribs Soup

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