Friday, September 16, 2016

杏鲍菇西兰花炒鸡肉 Chicken with King Oyster Mushroom and Broccoli

杏鲍菇西兰花炒鸡肉 Chicken with King Oyster Mushroom and Broccoli


{材料} 杏鲍菇 (去蒂,洗净切丝),西兰花(切一口吃朵状,用加了油和盐的沸水川烫一下备用),鸡肉片(用米酒,酱油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),蒜碎

{调味料} 蚝油1茶匙,绍兴酒1茶匙,,盐和糖适量


1. 起油锅爆香蒜碎,加入鸡肉片炒至双面变色后加入杏鲍菇拌炒一下。

2. 然后,马上调入调味料继续翻炒至汁开始收干时加入西兰花拌炒均匀即可。

Chicken with King Oyster Mushroom and Broccoli

{Ingredients} King oyster mushroom (ends trimmed, wash and shredded), broccoli (cut into bite-size floret pieces, blanch over boiling water that add with some salt and oil, set aside), chicken slices (marinate with some rice wine, soy sauce and pepper for 5 mins), and chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Oyster sauce x 1 tsp, Shaoxing wine x 1 tsp, some salt and sugar.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic, add in chicken slices to cook till change color only add in king oyster mushroom to continuously stir-frying.

2. Then, follow by add in the seasonings and stirring occasionally till gravy is start thicken, add in broccoli to stir-fry until well combined.

Previous: 肉炒夏南瓜 Zucchini Pork Stir-fry

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