Saturday, June 6, 2020

牛油蜜糖松饼 Honey Butter Biscuits

牛油蜜糖松饼 Honey Butter Biscuits



她们说好吃,yummy, ho jiak咯...
想念Texas Chicken 的招牌Honey Butter Biscuits,Google一番发现家里竟然都有这些基本材料。想做就做吧,外型就不可靠啦(婆妈的我坚持不能看那一坨坨的排在烤盘上,硬是要整成圆形⭕️,可是味道很可以的,哈哈哈哈!


{材料} 普通面粉280克,冷无盐牛油120克, 糖粉2汤匙(也可以用其它糖代替),发粉4茶匙,牛奶140克,醋2茶匙。

{抹表面用} 有盐或无盐牛油20克,蜜糖2汤匙。


1. 面粉, 牛油(一定要用冷的),糖粉和发粉用手耐心地搓成面包糠状。

2. 牛奶加醋搅拌均匀后静置5分钟,倒入捏成面团。

3. 烤盘铺上油纸,一份份面团量好捏好排好。(我选择用手,松饼份量依个人喜好,松饼的形状可以很随性。)

4. 放入预热好的烤箱180°C中层,先烤15分钟;然后去出抹上牛油和蜜糖再烤5分钟左右即可。

5. 烤好,想要更上色再抹上薄薄一层牛油蜜糖。

Honey Butter Biscuits

{Ingredients} All purpose flour x 280g, cold unsalted butter x 120g, icing sugar x 2 tbsp (can replace with other sugars), baking powder x 4 tsp, milk x 140g, vinegar x 2 tsp.

{Glazing} Salted or unsalted butter x 20g, honey x 2 tbsp.


1. Mix the flour, cold butter, sugar and baking powder until resembles bread crumbs mixture.

2. Mix milk with vinegar and rest for 5 mins, pour into the mixture and mix until form a slightly sticky dough.

3. Put a slice of baking sheet on top of the baking tray, transfer the right amount of dough to the tray, and arrange well. (I use hand to shape the dough, the biscuit’s size and shapes according to personal preferences.)

4. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180°C for 15 mins first, glaze the top of biscuits with honey butter mixture and bake for another 5 mins or until golden brown colour.

5. Remove baking tray from oven, glaze again a thin layer of honey butter mixture for better colour (optional), and let it rest for 5 mins before enjoy it.

Previous: 香茅柠檬姜茶 Fresh Lemongrass Lemon Ginger Tea

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