Saturday, June 13, 2020

面包布丁 Bread Pudding

面包布丁 Bread Pudding


{材料} 面包4片(剪成四方块状),鸡蛋两粒,面粉1汤匙,糖一茶匙,牛奶250-300毫升,盐少许,核桃碎和黑芝麻适量。


1. 烤盘抹上少许牛油,放入面包块状,再撒进核桃碎。

2. 将鸡蛋液,糖,盐和牛奶搅拌均匀,再加入筛过的面粉继续拌均至无颗粒状即可。

3. 筛过蛋奶面糊,倒入装着面包块和核桃碎的烤盘中,撒上黑芝麻。

4. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25-30分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!)

Bread Pudding

{Ingredients} Bread x 4 slices (cut into bite-size pieces), eggs x 2, all purpose flour x 1 tbsp, brown sugar x 1 tsp, milk 250-300ml, a pinch of salt, some chopped walnut and black sesame.


1. Greasing baking pan with some unsalted butter, put in the bread slices and chopped walnuts.

2. Mix the egg, sugar, salt and milk till well combine, follow by add in sifted flour to stir till have smooth mixture.

3. Sifted mixture, follow by pour over the mixture to the baking pan with bread pieces, sprinkle up some black sesame.

4. Preheat oven 170°C, baked for 25-30 mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.)

Previous:红萝卜柠檬核桃蜂蜜小蛋糕 Honey Lemon Carrot Walnut Cupcake

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