Saturday, June 20, 2020

双色紫薯馒头 Steamed Purple Sweet Potatoes Bun

双色紫薯馒头 Steamed Purple Sweet Potatoes Bun


{材料} 面粉400克(分成两份,每份各200克),熟紫薯泥100克(加点水用搅拌机打成泥状),干酵母4克(分成两份,每份各2克),糖30克,油(玉米油或其它植物)8克,水90-100克。


1. 紫薯泥微凉后加入2克的酵母粉,加拌均匀再倒入200克面粉,用搅拌机或手揉成光滑面团。

2. 另外一份200克面粉,加入2克酵母,糖,水和玉米油用搅拌机揉成面团。

3. 两份面团都盖上湿布让面团发酵成双倍大(大约45-60分钟),按下去不会回弹即是发酵好了。

4. 将发酵好了的两份面团各擀一擀(有能力就充分的揉搓均匀5-10分钟后再擀),擀成面片状后将两份面片叠合再擀一擀卷成长条状。分成合适的份量,放入已经铺上一层防油纸的蒸锅中休面十分钟左右。

5. 然后,蒸锅蒸12-15分钟左右即可。

Steamed Purple Sweet Potatoes Bun

{Ingredients} Flour x 400g (divide to 2 portion, each x 200g), sweet potato puree x 100g (use blender to puree steamed sweet potato), instant yeast x 4g(divide to 2 portion, each x 2g), sugar x 30g, oil (corn oil or other vegetable’s oil) x 8g, water x 90-100g.


1. Add 2g of yeast into the sweet potato puree to mix well only add in the flour, mix them well in a mixing bowl, set aside.

2. Another portion of 200g flour, add in 2g of yeast, follow by the sugar, oil and water to mix them well in a mixing bowl, knead the dough until it able to form a smooth ball shape.(About 15 mins).

3. Both doughs cover with wet cloth and let it be prove until double it’s size. (take about 45-60mins.)

4. Stretching and flattening the dough, follow by overlapping them to roll up as a dual-coloured long strip shape, divide into the desired portions.

5. Place the shaped dough on the steamer that layer with greaseproof paper to steam for about 12 mins.

Previous: 面包布丁 Bread Pudding

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