提拉米苏 (Tiramisu) 是唯一一种「婆妈」绝不妥协的甜点。因为私人原因这个甜点就是注定一世难忘,别质疑,真的可以忘不了的。不至于念念不忘,但就是一提到「它」就会冒出那个独特风格的味道和口感。今年感触特别多,很多事情不去努力实现一辈子只能就是凭空想象。做过用黑咖啡戚风或摩卡海绵蛋糕的提拉米苏,不过用手指饼干的口感略胜一筹。很多人都说这类甜点很容易的,又不用烤箱,省心省力哦。哎哟喂,怎么我亲身体验的过程就不如别人口中那么简单一试就搞懂呢?!或许「婆妈」的功夫就是不到家,要不然就是家人们口中的吹毛求疵咯。一直不分享关于「它」的食谱只因为「婆妈」不断累积的“功夫”还未达到心里那把“及格”的尺,今年总算赶得上尾班车可以搬上台面啦(不然又得拖多一年又一年的啦😆)。只可惜认真学习了很多很多很多遍,酒味香郁+咖啡浓厚的味道总算拿捏得不错,就总觉得口感扎实又入口Q滑还是差了那几点,会继续努力做好此生特别刻苦铭心的好滋味,呵呵。等掌握好想要的口感后,应该是要继续努力研究如何做出自家的手指饼干啦,一步一步地达到心中独一无二的提拉米苏,加油吧。
红糖提拉米苏A lifelong learning blog that focus on easy to follow home cooking recipes and a woman thoughts based on PURPLE rules in self-growth, parenting, men and women. QQ紫的生活杂记, 从「轻」开始, 从「紫」开始, 为自己从「心」补充生活所需的胶原蛋白,让每个男女人们的身心灵保持高「紫」量的弹性.
Friday, December 18, 2020
红糖提拉米苏 Brown Sugar Tiramisu
{材料} 蛋黄2个, 红糖30克(喜欢甜的,请用50克), 咖啡酒 (Dark Rum/Kahlua/Tia Maria/Baileys Irish Cream/Sweet Marsala wine/Brandy) 20-40ml(依个人口味选自己喜爱的酒味,拿捏好份量找出你想要的味道),马斯卡彭奶酪250克, 浓缩黑咖啡150毫升 (2包即溶黑咖啡加热水泡), 无糖可可粉1茶匙(加入黑咖啡的份量), 手指饼干适量,淡奶油150毫升(喜欢多奶油的,请用200毫升或更多),香草精5毫升(可以不放),额外无糖可可粉适量(洒面用的)。
1. 手指饼干根据要用的模具预先算好大概多少块和切好形状备用。
2. 准备沾手指饼干的黑咖啡混合液:2包即溶黑咖啡+1茶匙可可粉+120-150毫升热水搅拌均匀,喜欢酒味醇厚的可以再加入10毫升的咖啡酒。
3. 马斯卡彭芝士从冰箱拿出备用。蛋黄+糖+咖啡酒隔热水打至浓稠, 离火稍微待冷一些(大约5分钟左右)。
4. 此时可以预先搅拌一下马斯卡彭芝士至顺滑(大约1-2分钟左右),再加入温的蛋黄液搅拌均匀后放入冰箱冷藏待用。
5. 淡奶油和容器从冰箱里取出。淡奶油加香草精从低速开始打发1分钟后转去中速继续打发1分钟,然后高速打发2-3分钟至提起会有回弯钩接近干性发泡(8分发)即可。
6. 一次过加入冷藏的马斯卡彭蛋黄糊, 轻轻翻拌均匀后,提拉米苏芝士糊就好了。
7. 手指饼干迅速地双面沾满黑咖啡混合液,在容器或模具中排好,接着铺上一层提拉米苏糊。
8. 然后,重复手指饼干层,再铺上一层提拉米苏糊直到容器9分满即可。如果容器还有空间就继续重复手指饼干层再铺上芝士糊。
9. 放入冰箱冷藏至少8小时再拿出来,在表面上洒上满满的可可粉就可以吃啦(冷藏两天后酒和咖啡更入味,味道真是无敌,哈哈)。如果不打算吃,做好马上速冻冷藏可保存1-3个月哦,要吃的前一晚才转移去冷藏层自然解冻或吃当天室温解冻20-30分钟。
Brown Sugar Tiramisu
{Ingredients} Egg yolks x 2, brown sugar x 30g (More sweet, use 50g), coffee liquor x 20-40ml (Dark Rum/Kahlua/Tia Maria/Baileys Irish Cream/Sweet Marsala wine/Brandy, according to personal preferences), mascarpone cheese x 250g, espresso x 150ml (2 instant espresso sachets mix with hot water), unsweetened cocoa powder x 1 tsp (mix with espresso), some lady fingers, whipping cream x 150ml (prefer thick layer of cream , use 200ml or more), vanilla concentrated x 5ml (optional), some extra unsweetened cocoa powder (dusting purpose).
***Chilled mixing bowl and whisk attachment 20-30mins in advance before use to whip up the cream.
1. Begin with count and shape the ladyfingers, set aside.
2. Prepare espresso mixtures: 2 sachets instant espresso + 1 tsp cocoa powder + 120-150ml hot water, mix well (mix in extra 10ml of coffee liquor for more liquor taste).
3. Take out mascarpone cheese to let it stay at room temperature. Beat egg yolks + brown sugar + coffee liquor by using double boiler until turn to slightly thick, about 5 mins. (Don’t have , place a heat-proof bowl over a pot of simmering water over mediem low heat, don’t let water touch the bottom of the bowl).
4. Now can start beating mascarpone cheese under medium speed until smooth (about 1-2 mins), add in egg yolks mixture, fold with spatula until well combined, keep refrigerated.
5. Take out whipping cream, mixing bowl and whisk attachment. Whip the cold whipping cream + vanilla extract together on low speed at first for 1 min and turn to medium speed to continue beat for another 1 min, then high speed for 2-3 mins until form a medium peak (Medium peaks is in between soft peaks and stiff peaks, also called firm peaks).
6. Add in cold mascarpone egg yolk mixture, fold it gently as you will wish to keep as much air as possible to have a better texture, the tiramisu cream mixture is ready.
7. Quickly dip both sides of ladyfingers in espresso mixture and arrange well in your container or mould, follow by add in a layer of tiramisu cream, spread it evenly.
8. Then, repeat with the espresso-soaked ladyfingers layer, top by tiramisu cream layer and spread evenly. If your container still got room, repeating again the ladyfingers layer and then folloy by tiramisu cream layer.
9. Refrigerated for at least 8 hours, dust the surface with a layer of unsweented cocoa powder before enjoy it (The flavors actually get more great after 2 days). If you don’t think can finished in 5 days or a week time, pls consider freeze part of it immediately without dusting cocoa powder. Frozen can store for 1-3 months, thaw in refrigerator a day ahead before you wish to eat or let it defrost in room temperature for 20-30 mins.
***This tiramisu recipe is rich and slightly firmer texture, not a very smooth type. Just love the flavour so much but texture still can be improved.
***This recipe can make a 6 in cake + a container 17cm x 14.5cm x 5cm OR a pyrex glass container 6 cup/8inx6inx2in/1.5L/20.3cmx15.2cmx5cm.
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