Sunday, December 6, 2020

芹菜土豆丝豆芽菜炒蛋 Fried Egg with Celery, Potatoes and Bean Sprouts

怎样都要再加个炒鸡蛋, 因为要变成天使们要求的鸡蛋料理😂😄。自家发豆芽发多了,搭配着家里有的食材做出对天使们而言算是小创意的料理。干捞面配上这轻口味的家常菜也是一餐咯。

芹菜土豆丝豆芽菜炒蛋 (蛋炒三丝) 

{材料} 鸡蛋3粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),豆芽菜(洗净去尾),马铃薯1(洗净切丝,泡水),芹菜(洗净去丝,切片状),海鲜豆腐3块(洗净切丝),萝卜丝,蒜碎,姜碎和小红葱碎适量。 

{调味料} 豆瓣酱 ½ -1茶匙,鲍鱼汁1茶匙,鱼露 ½ 茶匙,盐和清水/高汤适量。 


1. 豆芽菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫15秒左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 

2. 接着,芹菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右, 一样捞起沥干过冷水备用。 

3. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 

4. 再起油锅爆香蒜姜碎后,加入豆瓣酱炝锅后加入土豆丝拌炒一下,接着加入3汤匙清水继续拌炒2分钟左右才加入萝卜丝,海鲜豆腐和再多3汤匙清水炒一下。 

5. 然后,加入芹菜,豆芽菜和其它调味料翻炒至汤煮沸。 

6. 接着,再加入鸡蛋炒至汤汁再次煮沸或稍微收干即可。 

Fried Egg with Celery, Potatoes and Bean Sprouts 

{Ingredients} Eggs x 3 (beaten with ½ tsp soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), bean sprouts (wash and remove bottom parts), potato x 1 (wash and shredded, soak in water), celery (wash and remove fibrous skin and sliced), seafood tofu x 3 (wash and shredded), some shredded carrots, some chopped garlic, ginger and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Bean paste x ½ -1 tsp, abalone sauce x 1 tsp, fish sauce x ½ tsp, some salt and water/broth. 


1. Blanch over the bean sprouts with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 15 seconds, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 

2. Then, blanch over the celery with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 

3. Heat up oil to fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 

4. Heat up another round of oil to saute chopped garlic and ginger till fragrant, seasons in bean paste and add in shredded potatoes to stir-fry a while, follow by add in 3 tbsp of water to continue stir-frying for 2 mins only add in carrots and seafood tofu and another 3 tbsp of water to stir-fry. 

5. Then, add in celery, bean sprouts and remaining seasonings and continue stir-frying until the sauce is boiling. 

6. Follow by add in cooked eggs, stir-fry evenly and bring to boil again or cook until the sauce is thick, ready to serve. 

Previous: 杏鲍菇豆芽菜 King Oyster Mushroom Bean Sprout

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