Wednesday, December 30, 2020

红糖核桃红枣面包 Red Date Walnut Brown Sugar Bread



{老面种材料} 高筋面粉300克,清水190毫升,酵母2克,盐 ¼ 茶匙。 



{主面团材料} 高筋面粉165克,紫薯粉10克,红糖30克,盐1茶匙,酵母2克,温水65克, 淡奶30克(不用淡奶就100克温水),无盐奶油20克,老面种170克(第一次用网友教的比列1:1)。 

{馅料} 核桃碎和红枣丁适量。 

{抹皮} 融化牛油适量。 


1. 红糖盐用温水搅拌均匀,待冷备用。 

2. 将所有主面团材料加入搅拌成稍微滑面团,红糖水可以慢慢地分成几次加入(除了无盐奶油)。 

3. 加入牛油再搅拌1-2分钟或至接近光滑的面团,可以撑开薄膜,洞口边缘光滑。 

4. 取出面团,继续搓揉成光滑圆形状后盖好湿布进行第一次发酵。(大约1小时) 

5. 第一轮发酵好后,帮面团擀平排气,分割成3份搓成圆球状,静置15分钟。 

6. 此时准备好馅料,再擀平成长条状放入馅料,卷起收口捏紧,放入抹了一层薄牛油的面包模具中进行第二轮发酵(大约50分钟左右)。 

7. 将面包抹上一层融化牛油的烤盘上。放入预热烤箱中170°C, 烤30-35分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!) 


Walnut Red Date Brown Sugar Bread 

{Old dough ingredients} High protein flour x 300g, water x 190ml, instant dry yeast 2g, salt ¼ tsp. 

***Mix all ingredients well, knead the dough a while  and let it prove in room temperature for about 1 hour before keep refrigerated for 24 hours (keep refrigerated can store for 3-5 days, else divide the dough after 24 hours to 50-80g each to keep frozen and can last 3 months). 

***Old dough in main dough in each bread making is about 20-40%, for example: 250g main, need 50-100g old dough. 

{Main Dough Ingredients} Bread or high protein flour x 165g, purple sweet potato powder x 10g, brown sugar x 30g, salt x 1 tsp, instant yeast x 2g, warm water 65g, evaporated milk x 30g (no evaporated milk, just use 100g warm water in total), unsalted butter x 20g, old dough 170g (1st try to use ratio 1:1). 

{Fillings} Some chopped walnuts and red dates. 

{Glazing} Some melted butter. 


1. Mix brown sugar and salt with warm water till fully dissolved, set aside. 

2. Follow by add in all the ingredients (except butter) into mixing bowl, brown sugar water can add in slowly, knead under the low speed for until form unstick dough. 

3. Add in butter to continue knead for1-2 mins until almost form a smooth dough - can pull into very thin sheet without tearing.

4. Remove dough from mixing bowl, shape into a smooth ball, cover with plastic wrap or wet cloth to prove till double in bulk (About 1 hour) .

5. Flatten and roll the dough into 3 rounds or other’s desired shapes, let it rest for 15 mins. 

6. Get ready the filling ingredients, flatten dough again and wrap up with the filling, sealed it properly. Arrange the doughs into bread moulds and leave to prove till double in sizes (about 50mins). 

7. Glaze with melted butter, bake in preheated oven at 170°C for 30-35 mins or till golden brown. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.) 

***Remove, brush with a little more melted butter if wish. 

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