Sunday, December 20, 2020

幻彩汤圆 Colorful Glutinous Ball (Tang Yuan)

原定计划是要做出五颜六色的汤圆搭配红糖桂花老姜糖水,结果演变成顺势而做由她们临时充分发挥小脑袋瓜里的ideas的多彩汤圆。原来她们眼中的彩色汤圆是这样“玩的”...好啦,「婆妈」让路,毕竟搓汤圆要磨耐性的。没得玩,她们怎么消磨时间呢。重点是,我也没做过这样的汤圆,也很想看看煮好后是不是那样“迷人心窍”... 第一次和天使们搓汤圆乐耶,非记录起来不可。也再次印证,有了天使们参与后的计划是赶不上任何一次她们灵机一动的变化滴,虽然不是每一次她们的ideas都会被接纳,但只要“无伤大雅”的都OK滴,哈哈哈😂。


{材料A} 糯米粉300克,粘米粉10克(加100毫升水拌均匀后,小火慢煮至纹路出现即可),蓝花/蝴蝶豆花 10朵(加150毫升水煮出深蓝色的水),斑斓粉1茶匙(加适量的水拌均),柠檬汁一点(用来把深蓝色水转变成紫色),食用粉红色素适量(也可以用红色火龙果或番茄或甜菜根榨汁50毫升) 

{材料B} 清水500-1000毫升, 红糖适量,老姜一小块,桂花一茶匙。 


1. 先把5种颜色的材料都准备好:蝶豆花水先煮好备用, 拿出50毫升加入柠檬汁变成紫色待用(临时想做,家里少了可用的蔬果汁)。 

2. 接着煮好粘米粉种,稍微待凉后加入糯米粉混合拌均匀后,分成6份(每份大约50克左右)。 

3. 每份慢慢地一点一点加入温水或蔬果汁等,搓成粉团待用(粘手就再加点糯米粉,太干去就加水,水一定要一点点的加哦)。食用色素要先搓好白色粉团后再加入适量的色素再搓成团,记得洗后以免残留的色素渗透入其它粉团。 

4. 每种粉团搓好后,再一个个搓成长条状,切成想要的小段,搓成圆形,排入盘或容器中。(每层记得铺上一层烘培纸或保鲜膜,以免搓好的汤圆粘在一起)。 

5. 汤圆现煮现吃,口感最好。不吃的,搓好后,收入容器中速冻冷藏即可。 

6. 煮汤圆糖水时,先把红糖和老姜块(有斑斓叶就这时一起加入)煮沸。煮沸换小火煮5分钟左右后,老姜块和斑斓叶就捞出。加入桂花和汤圆,煮到汤圆浮起来再煮一会儿即可。 

7. 如果没有要马上吃,汤圆就另外用煮沸的清水煮至浮起来再煮一分钟,拿起泡冷水一分钟后沥干,放入红糖桂花老姜糖水水中就可随时享用了。 

***没有粘米粉的话,就用回N年前「婆妈」试过的方法。就是每份粉团搓好后,拿出大约15克粉团放入沸水中煮至浮起来,再把熟粉团和生粉团混合拌均 (这样做的汤圆比较Q弹,搓汤圆时也比较容易,因为没那么容易变干)。 


Colourful Glutinous Ball (Tang Yuan) 

{Ingredients A} Glutinous rice flour x 300g, blended rice flour x 10g (add 100ml of water to mix well, cook under low heat until the batter forms the firm line shape), blue pea flowers x 10 (add 150ml of water to extract blue colour), pandan powder x 1 tsp, some lemon juice (to turn some blue colour to purple colour), some food grade pink colouring (can extract from red dragon fruit or tomato or beet root for about 50ml). 

{Ingredients B} Water x 500-1000ml, some brown sugar, old ginger small piece x 1, dried osmanthus flowers x 1 tsp. 


1. Get ready 5 colours ingredients: blue peas flower water done cooked, measure about 50 ml of it to drop in some lemon juices to turn to purple colour. 

2. Then, cook the blended rice flour and add in glutinous rice flour and mix them well, divide to 6 portions (about 50g each portion). 

3. Each portions slowly add in warm water or any juices, knead them well to form a firm and stiff dough (too sticky, add glutinious flour, too dry, add little water). For coloring, add few pinch into white dough, knead again until color is well distributed. Be sure wash your hand each time to avoid discolouring. 

4. After shape all dough, roll them into long strips type and cut into desire portions, shape into small ball shapes (each layer remember put on a layer of baking paper or plastic wrap to prevent dough balls sticking together). 

5. Glutinous rice balls is nice to taste freshly, unconsumed uncooked glutinous rice balls is advice to keep frozen. 

6. Cook the soup base: Add in water, brown sugar and ginger (pandan leaves if you have), bring to boil, turn to low heat and cook for another 5 mins. Remove the ginger piece and pandan leaves. Add in osmanthus flower and rolled glutinous rice balls to cook until balls is floating to the surface, cook for a while will do. 

7. If not plan to eat shortly, cook the rolled glutinious rice balls in clear boiling water until they float to the surface, allow to cook for another 1 min and remove and soakinto a bowl of cool boiled water for about 1 min. Drain thoroughly and drops the cooked glutinous rice balls in dessert soup. 

 ***No blended rice flour, can pull out 15g from dough from each portions to cook them one by one in boiling water to turn to cooked dough and mix them again with the original dough (this will make the texture of the balls more chewable and easy to shape during rolling process). 

***Remember start roll each small pieces from light to deep color, else enjoy the mixed color fun like us (Sometimes let’s follow angel’s ideas to enjoy the fun of team work).

Previous: 红糖提拉米苏 Brown Sugar Tiramisu

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