Thursday, December 3, 2020

简易轻松发豆芽 Easy Grow Bean Sprouts



{材料} 绿豆50克,一个大容器(装得下洗菜蓝子的),镂空的洗菜篮子,纱布/小毛巾/厨房纸巾,盘子一个(用来压豆,选稍微有重量一些的),锅盖/一块黑布或其它可以盖住,清水。 


1. 绿豆洗洗,清水盖过豆子隔夜泡发 (至少要12-15小时左右,24小时最好)。 

2. 隔天再次洗净,把不合格的豆子挑掉,镂空洗菜蓝子放进一个大容器里,然后放入纱布/小毛巾/厨房纸巾,加入洗净的绿豆,用盘子压好(不让它长太高,希望它长胖和粗一点)和盖好外加一层黑布或其它布料双层遮光,放在阴暗的地方。 

3. 每天记得早晚各浇一次水,浇水时记得避光或灯要关哦。(豆芽菜怕羞,见不得光哦) 

4. 浇完水,多余的水记得要倒掉。重复做浇水动作3天左右就有自家种的豆芽菜吃了。 

5. 吃不完的,用一次性塑料袋装好冷藏保存3-5天左右。 


Easy Grow Bean Sprouts 

{Ingredients} Mung bean x 50g, a big bowl (for put in the kitchen basket), drainable kitchen basket, cheesecloth/kitchen towel/kitchen paper towel, a plate (choose slightly heavier), lid / black cloth or T-shirt for covering purpose, water. 


1. Mung bean washed and soaked overnight (at least 12-15 hours, best is 24 hours). 

2. Next day, wash again and remove nasty bean, put the kitchen basket inside a big bowl, layer cheesecloth/kitchen towel/kitchen paper towel on the drainable kitchen basket, add in the bean, cover up and put a plate on top, cover with a lid plus another layer of black cloth for double protection from light and rest it in a dark place. 

3. Remember add in clean water at least twice a day: morning and night, do not on the light when watering (Bean sprouts love to stay in dark mode). 

4. Aftter watering, remember drain the excess water. Repeated the watering step for 3 days. 

5. Unconsume bean sprounts, do not wash it and keep refrigerated directly. Thi for 3-5 days. 

***In video open the daily to check is to fulfil angel’s curiosness to see how a bean sprout is growing. Frequently expose the bean sprouts to light will cause it change colour and need to blanch over boiling water for crispy and freshness taste. 

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