Thursday, December 24, 2020

斑斓牛油饼干 Pandan Butter Cookies

这是饼干印模做出来的牛油饼,有加蛋黄版和无蛋黄版的,个人觉得无蛋黄版的比较酥脆可口些。「婆妈」与天使们分工合作的亲子活动目前这类的方法对她们而言参与感比较多也比较好玩。 These recipes suitable for cut out cookies, perfect for any holidays: Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year or any days of the year. 


{材料} 无盐牛油200克(室温软化), 糖粉/幼糖60克,盐 ¼ 茶匙, 香草精 ½ 茶匙,特幼/低筋面粉220克,玉米淀粉80克,泡打粉 ½ 茶匙,斑斓粉1茶匙。 


1. 无盐牛油打散后加入幼糖拌打一下后加入盐和香草精搅拌至颜色变成微黄。 

2. 筛入粉类:特幼/低筋面粉 + 玉米淀粉 + 泡打粉 + 斑斓粉, 搅拌均匀。 

3. 用手搓成长条状,如果不打算做造型,直接搓成正方形或其它你喜欢的形状,包上保鲜膜放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。 

4. 烤盘预先铺上烘焙纸。取出,不做造型就直接切好厚度一致的饼干片,放入烤盘排好。做造型就用饼干模器切出想要的造型, 再放入冰箱冷藏15分钟。 

5. 放入预热好上下火(不开风扇)的烤箱150°C中层,先烤15分钟;然后去调去170°C再烤3-5分钟左右即可。 

Pandan Butter Cookies 

{Ingredients} Unsalted butter x 200g (melted in room temperature), icing sugar/caster sugar 60g, salt x ¼ tsp, vanilla essence x ½ tsp, superfine flour/cake flour/all purpose flour x 200g, corn starch x 80g, baking powder x ½ tsp, pandan powder x 1 tsp. 


1. Whisk unsalted butter a while, add in sugar continue to whisk a while, then follow by add in salt and vanilla essence to whisk until slightly light yellow and fluffy. 

2. Sifted in flour ingredients: superfine flour + corn starch + baking powder + pandan powder, fold to mix well. 

3. Roll the dough into a long round or square or any shapes you like, if do not plan to shape the cookies with cookie cutters, cover with a plastic wrap and chill in refrigerator for 30 mins. 

4. Put a slice of baking sheet on the baking tray, take out the dough from refrigerator, cut into 1cm thick pieces evenly and arrange well on baking tray. Using cookie cutters: roll to 1 cm thick flat and cut into whatever shapes you wish, and keep it chill in refrigerator for 15 mins before bake. 

5. Pre-heated oven at 150°C (no fan mode), bake for 15 mins first, then switch to 170°C bake for another 3-5 mins or until light brown colour at the edge. 

斑斓牛油饼 (加蛋黄) 

{材料} 无盐牛油150克(室温软化), 糖粉/幼糖50克,盐 ¼   茶匙, 香草精 ½ 茶匙,蛋黄1个,特幼/低筋面粉200克,玉米淀粉30克,泡打粉 ½ 茶匙,斑斓粉2茶匙。 


1. 无盐牛油打散后加入幼糖和盐拌打均匀后加入香草精搅拌一下后加入蛋黄继续搅拌至颜色变成微黄。 

2. 筛入粉类:斑斓粉+ 泡打粉 + 特幼/低筋面粉 + 玉米淀粉, 翻拌均匀。 

3. 面团放入塑料袋,用擀面杖擀成大约1cm厚度的长方形状,放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。 

4. 烤盘预先铺上烘焙纸。开始用饼干模器切出想要的造型,放入烤盘排好,再把剩下的面团放入塑料袋擀好放入冰箱冷藏20分钟再做造型,软了的面团不易塑形。 

5. 重复直到所有面团用完,切好的饼干再放入冰箱冷藏15分钟待烤。 

6. 放入预热好上下火(不开风扇)的烤箱160°C中层,先烤12分钟;然后去调去170°C再烤3-5分钟左右即可。 

Pandan Butter Cookies (egg yolk) 

{Ingredients} Unsalted butter x 150g (melted in room temperature), icing sugar/caster sugar 50g, salt x ¼ tsp, vanilla essence x ½ tsp, egg yolk x 1, superfine flour/cake flour/all purpose flour x 200g, corn starch x 30g, baking powder x ½ tsp, pandan powder x 2 tsp. 


1. Whisk unsalted butter for a while, add in sugar and salt continue to whisk a while only add in vanilla essence and follow by add in egg yolk to continue whisk until slightly light yellow and fluffy. 

2. Sifted in flour ingredients: pandan powder + baking powder + superfine flour + corn starch, fold to mix until incorporated. 

3. Put the dough into a plastic bag, roll the dough into 1cm thickness flat rectangle shape and chill in refrigerator for 30 mins. 

4. Place a slice of baking sheet on the baking tray, take out the dough from refrigerator, use cookie cutters to cut the dough into whatever shapes you wish (If the dough turn soft again before you able to cut all the shapes, put the leftover dough back to the fridge to chill for 20 mins only cut and shape again). 

5. Repeat the chill, cut, shape process until all the dough is use up, and keep it chill in refrigerator for 15 mins before bake. 

6. Pre-heated oven at 160°C(do not use the fan mode) , bake for 12 mins first, then switch to 170°C bake for another 3-5 mins or until light brown colour at the edge.

Previous:幻彩汤圆 Colorful Glutinous Ball (Tang Yuan) 

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