Wednesday, April 10, 2013

蒸鳕鱼片 Steamed Cod Fillet

做法1-3; method 1-3


{材料} 鳕鱼片1块, 姜片x 3, 青葱粒适量

{腌料} 盐与胡椒粉少许

{调味料} 绍兴酒1大匙, 蒜末1小匙, 酱油½ 大匙, 水2大匙, 鱼露1大匙与豆酱1小匙调成综合汁备用, 热油1大匙


1. 鳕鱼片洗净后, 吸干水份; 用少许盐与与胡椒粉腌至少20分钟.

2. 在蒸盘上, 排上姜片与青葱粒; 再把腌好的鳕鱼片放上去, 淋上综合汁以大火蒸5分钟.

3. 然后, 关火焖3分钟后淋上热油即可.

Steamed Cod Fillet

{Ingredients} Cod fish fillet x 1 , ginger slices x 3 , some green onion

{Marinades Sauce} Some salt and pepper.

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine x 1 tbsp, chopped garlic x 1 tsp, soy sauce x ½ tbsp, water x 2 tbsp, fish sauce x 1 tbsp, bean paste x 1 tsp; mixed all well and set asides, hot oil x 1 tbsp.


1. Wash and clean up fish fillet, dry it up; marinate with some salt and pepper for at least 20 mins.

2. Arrange ginger slices and green onion on plate, then put on marinaded fish fillet, pour the seasoning mixtures over the fish and steam it over the high heat for 5 mins.

3. Then, switch off and let it stand for 3 mins and add in the hot oil. Ready to serve.

Previous: 培根拌炒金针菇 Bacon Fried Enoki Mushroom

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