Friday, December 25, 2015

干贝培根卷 Bacon-Wrapped Scallops

干贝培根卷 Bacon-Wrapped Scallops
A bit over fat...Once in a blue moon should be fine, right?!



{材料} 培根(减半), 干贝(洗净沥干), 牙签


1. 预热烤箱200◦C/400◦F。

2. 把干贝包进半条培根中,用牙签固定住。

3. 把卷好的干贝培根卷放入铺好铝箔纸的烤盘上, 放进烤箱烤上20-25分钟(中途翻一次)即可。

Bacon-Wrapped Scallops

{Ingredients} Bacon (cut into half), scallops (wash and drain well), toothpicks.


1. Preheat oven.

2. Wrap each scallop with 1/2 strip of bacon, stable with toothpicks.

3. Then put on the baking tray that wrapped with aluminum foil, bake for 20-25 minut(flip once in between).

Previous: 三杯杏鲍菇 Three Cups King Oyster Mushroom

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