Wednesday, April 30, 2014

荷叶糯米饭 Steamed Glutinous Rice In Lotus Leaf

荷叶饭只是让糯米鸡有它的香气而已, 它的做法与糯米鸡大同小异...


{材料} 糯米1杯, 荷叶几片,鸡柳适量, 水煮鸡蛋一粒(切成片状),腊肠片, 香菇2朵(浸软,切半), 小红葱碎, 蒜碎和姜碎少许

{腌料} 蚝油1/2汤匙,酱油 1/2茶匙, 黑酱油1/2茶匙, 糖1/2汤匙, 麻油1茶匙, 绍兴酒1/2茶匙

{调味料} 盐1/2 茶匙,红糖1茶匙, 黑酱油1/2汤匙,酱油1/2 茶匙, 麻油1/2 茶匙, 胡椒粉少许, 水适量


1. 荷叶用沸水川烫, 沥干备用。

2. 鸡肉与香菇用腌料腌至少30分钟。

3. 烧热2汤匙油爆香葱蒜姜碎, 加入糯米翻炒, 再加入调味料拌炒均匀。

4. 荷叶垫盘底, 把鸡肉, 香菇, 鸡蛋和腊肠片加入后再铺上炒好的糯米后包好。

5. 大火蒸40-45分钟至熟即成。

Steamed Glutinous Rice In Lotus Leaf

{Ingredients} Glutinous rice x 1 cup, lotus leaf few pieces, some chicken fillets, hard boiled eggx 1 (cut into pieces), preserved chicken sausage slices, mushroom (soaked till tender, cut into half), some chopped shallots, garlic and ginger.

{Marinades} Oyster sauce x ½ tbsp, soy sauce x ½ tsp, black soy sauce x ½ tsp, sugar x ½ tbsp, sesame oil x 1tsp, Shaoxing wine x ½ tsp

{Seasonings} Salt x ½ tsp, pure cane sugar x 1 tsp, black soy sauce x ½ tbsp, soy sauce x ½ tsp, sesame oil x ½ tsp, some pepper and water in right amount


1. Soak lotus leaf in boiling water to soften it, and then drain it dry, ready to use.

2. Chicken fillet and mushroom use marinades sauce to marinate for at least 30 mins.

3. Heat up 2 tbsp oil to deep fry chopped shallots, garlic and ginger, add in glutinous rice and seasonings to stir fry till mix them well.

4. Arrange lotus leaf at the bottom of a steaming bowl, put in some chicken fillet, mushroom, egg and sausage follow by glutinous rice on the top.

5. Steam in boiling water over high heat for about 40-45 mins. Serve warm.

Previous: 糯米鸡 Lo Mai Kai


  1. 这么大大的荷叶, 我找了好久都找不到, 没想到你那里却能找到哦!

    1. 我也是偶然间在亚洲市场看到时, 灵机一动买回来试一试!

  2. Wow! 你的Blog分享好多食谱哦!

    1. 呵呵, 好呀! 厨艺不太精的我要记录下来方便需要时重温...得向你偷多点师噢!


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