Sunday, April 20, 2014

免揉面包面团基本做法过程 Basic No Knead Bun Dough Making

做面包比蛋糕来得难很多, 因为面团是重要因素。 看到面子书上其他博客疯传免揉面包的食谱, 我很好奇试了几次, 终于成功拿捏到我要的两人份量,至少是新鲜够存上两三天依然软软的面包。懒时, 我会加倍做些面团存在冰箱速冻(一定要速冻, 除非你可以在三天内用完, 不然面团会有酸味哦!), 方便室温解冻后再整形做二次发酵后, 烘一烘就有面包吃啦。


{材料} 鸡蛋1粒, 温牛奶90克, 酵母1/2 茶匙, 蜜糖1茶匙, 溶化牛油20克,糖1汤匙, 盐少许, 高筋面粉200克


1. 拿一大碗, 把鸡蛋打入打散。

2. 加入蜜糖, 糖, 盐, 溶化牛油搅拌均匀后, 再加温牛奶搅拌均匀。

3. 然后, 再加入酵母, 继续搅拌均匀至很少颗粒状。

4. 分三次加入高筋面粉, 搅拌至所有材料都均匀。

5. 封上保鲜膜, 上面插几个小洞, 放在室温中发酵2小时, 然后收进冰箱至少3小时或隔天再用。

Basic No Knead Bun Dough Making

{Ingredients} Egg x 1, warm milk x 90g, instant yeast x ½ tsp, honey x 1 tsp, soften butter x 20g, sugar x 1 tbsp, some salt, bread flour or high protein flour x 200g


1. Beaten an egg into a mixing bowl.

2. Add in honey, sugar, salt , butter and mix well, slowly pour in warm milk.

3. Then, add in instant yeast, continue mix them well.

4. Separate 3 times to add in bread flour, each time ensures it well combined.

5. Cover with plastic wrap with few small holes is punch, Leave aside to prove till double in bulk in room temperature for 2 and half hours, then, refrigerate the dough for at least 3 hours or till tomorrow before start use to shape.

Previous: 自制辣椒蒜泥蛋黄酱 Chili Aioli

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