快手水煮蛋糙米片餐 Quick Hardboiled Egg Brown Rice Flakes Meal

快手水煮蛋糙米片餐 Quick Hardboiled Egg Brown Rice Flakes Meal


{材料} Mommy J糙米片3汤匙, 热水适量(加入Mommy J天然昆布粉,江鱼仔和银鱼粉搅拌均匀备用),鸡蛋1(蒸锅15分钟蒸熟切片备用),荷包蛋1,煮熟的青菜碎和胡萝卜碎适量。


1. 将糙米片浸泡在食物粉水中, 放入蒸锅蒸3-5分钟左右。

2. 将蒸好的糙米片加入水煮蛋片,荷包蛋, 青菜碎和萝卜碎即可食用。(配料随天使年龄自行搭配哟!)

Quick Hardboiled Egg Brown Rice Flakes Meal

{Ingredients} MommyJ brown rice flakes 3tbsp, hot water in right amount (mixes with some MommyJ natural kombu, anchovy and white bait food powder), hard boiled egg x 1 (slicesd), fried egg x 1 (over hard), cooked green veggies and chopped carrot.


1. Soaked brown rice flakes in water that mixed with food powder, put in steamer to steam for 3-5 mins.

2. Serve steamed brown rice flakes with some cooked egg, green veggies and carrots. (side dishes can add on according to angel’s age or preferences)

Previous :双蔬蛋煎龟包 Mixed Veggies Egg Fried Mi Gu


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