Sunday, April 15, 2018

糙米片婴儿意粉 Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta

糙米片婴儿意粉 Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta 

糙米片婴儿意粉 Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta 制作过程
Nap/sleep regression,separation anxiety,potty training...等等的“非常时期”期间,Mommy J食物粉帮了很大的忙,让我可以坚持继续给两个天使吃自家制的辅食品.


{材料} Mommy J糙米片1汤匙, 婴儿意粉1汤匙(按照包装袋说明煮至熟备用), 鸡蛋2(加些许Mommy J有机苋菜粉 和江鱼仔粉打散备用), 清水3-5汤匙(加入Mommy J天然昆布粉和银鱼粉搅拌均匀备用),煮熟的南瓜条和青菜碎适量。


1. 将糙米片浸泡在食物粉水中, 放入蒸锅蒸3-5分钟左右。

2. 起油锅把鸡蛋液炒散炒熟备用。

3. 最后,将煮好的意粉加入蒸好的糙米片中拌均,加上鸡蛋碎,南瓜条和青菜碎即可食用。

Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta

{Ingredients} MommyJ brown rice flakes 1tbsp, baby pasta 1 tbsp (cook per package directions), egg x 2 (beaten with some MommyJ organic amaranth and anchovy food powder), 3-5 tbsp of water mixes with some MommyJ natural kombu and white bait food powder, cooked pumpkin slices and green veggies.


1. Soaked brown rice flakes in water that mixed with food powder, put in steamer to steam for 3-5 mins.

2. Heat up oil to stir frying egg mixture till golden yellow color or cooked.

3. Lastly, add in cooked baby pasta to mix with steamed brown rice flakes, serve with some cooked egg, pumpkin slices and green veggies.

Previous:三文鱼鸡蛋螺旋面 Vegeroni Spirals with Salmon and Egg

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