Friday, September 12, 2014

蜜汁排骨 Honey Pork Ribs

蜜汁排骨 Honey Pork Ribs
近期特别喜爱这道菜, 但是有难忍油烟味, 确实又爱又恨呐!


{材料} 排骨/排骨肉500克,白芝麻一小匙

{腌料} 酱油一小匙,黑酱油 ½ 茶匙,蚝油 ½ 茶匙,米酒一小匙,洋葱碎,盐与胡椒粉少许

{调味料} 黑醋2汤匙, 蜂蜜一小匙, 冰糖适量


1. 将排骨与腌料腌上至少30分钟。

2. 将腌好的排骨放入热油锅中以中火炸至表面呈深褐色。

3. 然后将调味料倒入, 以小火拌炒均匀至入味后, 撒上白芝麻即可。

Honey Pork Ribs

{Ingredients} Pork ribs x 500g, white sesame x 1 tsp

{Marinades} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, black soy sauce x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x ½ tsp, rice wine x 1 tsp, some chopped onion, salt and pepper.

{Seasonings} Black vinegar x 2 tbsp, honey x 1 tsp, some rock sugar


1. Marinate pork ribs with marinades sauce for at least 30 mins.

2. Heat up oil to deep fry pork ribs under medium heat till turn to dark brown.

3. Then pour in seasoning, cook under low heat till well combine, sprinkle up white sesame and serve hot.

Previous:冬炎鸡块 Tom Yam Chicken Slices

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