Saturday, January 17, 2015

酱汁杏鲍菇 Soy Sauce Oyster Mushroom

酱汁杏鲍菇 Soy Sauce Oyster Mushroom

{材料} 杏鲍菇适量, 白芝麻少许

{调味料} 黑酱油一点,酱油1茶匙, 蚝油1茶匙,盐和糖少许, 混合均匀备用。


1. 杏鲍菇洗净,沥干水分后撕成小块状。

2. 用调味料腌制至少15分钟。

3. 起油锅,将杏鲍菇放入锅中以中火煎至出水份后,转大火煮至收汁再撒上白芝麻即可。

Soy Sauce Oyster Mushroom

{Ingredients} Some oyster mushroom, white sesame.

{Seasonings} A little black soy sauce, soy sauce x 1 tsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, some salt and sugar, mix all well in small bowl.


1. Wash the oyster mushroom, drain well and tear to a bite sized.

2. Marinate it with seasonings for at least 15 mins.

3. Heat up some oil in frying pan, add in oyster mushroom to fry under medium heat till watery, switch to high heat to cook till thick and sprinkle up some white sesame, serve hot.

Previous: 辣椒炒肉 Sauteed Hot Pepper with Pork

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