Monday, August 15, 2016

芹菜玉米豆腐排骨汤 Celery Corn Tofu Pork Ribs Soup

芹菜玉米豆腐排骨汤 Celery Corn Tofu Pork Ribs Soup


{材料} 排骨适量(浸泡清水30分钟去血水),芹菜切段状,玉米粒,红枣5-7颗。

{调味料} 盐和胡椒粉适量


1. 取一深锅,注满适量的水和排骨煮沸后,加入其它材料以中火炖煮一小时左右,调入盐后再煮15分钟即可。

Celery Corn Tofu Pork Ribs Soup

{Ingredients} Pork ribs (soaked in water for 30 mins to clear bloody color.), celery (cut into sectioned), corns, red dates x 5-7 pcs.

{Seasonings} Some salt and pepper to taste.


1. Use a large pot, fill in right amount of water and pork ribs, and bring to boil only add in others ingredients to cook under medium heat for about 1 hour, seasons in seasonings and cook for another 15 mins.

Previous: 番茄豆腐粉丝肉碎汤 Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork

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