番茄豆腐粉丝肉碎汤 Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork

番茄豆腐粉丝肉碎汤 Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork


{材料} 番茄2粒(沸水川烫1分钟去皮,切块状),豆腐(切块状),鸡肉碎(用米酒和酱油腌10分钟),粉丝(泡软), 蒜碎。

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁1汤匙,盐和胡椒粉少许。


1. 取一深锅,放入一大匙的油爆香蒜碎后,加入鸡肉碎炒熟再下番茄块炒出红水。

2. 然后,注满适量的水,豆腐和调味料煮至沸。

3. 最后,加入粉丝再次煮沸即可。

Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork

{Ingredients} Tomatoes x 2 (Blanch over boiled water, peeled and diced), tofu (cut into bite-sized pieces), ground chicken (marinate with some rice wine and soy sauce for 10 mins), glass noodle (soaked till tender), chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1 tbsp, some salt and pepper to taste.


1. Use a large pot, add in 1 tbsp oil to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in ground chicken to stir-fry till cooked only add in diced tomatoes and cook till tender with light red color water.

2. Then, add in right amount of water, tofu and seasonings, bring to boil.

3. Lastly, add in glass noodle and bring to boil again. Serve hot.

Previous:鲜甜菌菇汤 Asian Style Mixed Mushroom Soup


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