Tuesday, October 25, 2016

番茄西刀鱼丸青菜汤软饭 Fish ball,Tomato and Green Veggie Rice


番茄1粒(用沸水川烫去皮去籽,切丁),西刀鱼丸2粒(洗洗切丁),青菜丝(用加了点油和盐的沸水川烫2分钟左右), 白米饭。


1. 起一茶匙橄榄油锅,炒蕃茄丁后加入适量的清水和鱼丸丁煮沸。
2. 把青菜丝拌入煮好的汤内备用。
3. 然后,把白米饭煮好后拌入番茄鱼丸青菜汤搅拌均即可食用。


Tomato x 1 (Blanch over boiling water to peel skin off, diced), fish balls x 2 (rinse and diced), shredded veggies (blanch over boiling water that add with some olive oil for 2 mins),  white rice.


1. Heat up 1 tsp of olive oil to saute diced tomatoes, follw by add in some water and diced fish ball, bring to boil.
2. Add in shredded veggies to cooked tomato and fish ball soup.
3. Then, add in cooked white rice into the soup, serve hot.

Previous:鸡蛋香蕉面粉糕 Homemade Banana Pancake

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