Sunday, October 30, 2016

蒜葱香菇肉炒蛋 Stir-fried Mushroom Pork and Eggs

蒜葱香菇肉炒蛋 Stir-fried Mushroom Pork and Eggs
Making in progress...
Serve as side dish with mee suah soup


{材料} 猪肉丝(用适量米酒,酱油和黑酱油腌10分钟), 萝卜片,香菇3朵(泡软切丁), 蒜碎, 鸡蛋3粒(加一点青葱丁,麻油,胡椒粉和酱油打散备用)

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙


1. 起油锅先把鸡蛋炒至8分熟,盛起备用。

2. 用回炒蛋锅,预热1大匙油爆香蒜碎,加入香菇丁炒香。

3. 然后,加入萝卜片和猪肉丝翻炒一下,调入酱油和鸡蛋拌炒均匀即可。

Stir-fried Mushroom Pork and Eggs

{Ingredients} Slices pork (marinate with some rice wine, soy sauce and black soy sauce for 10 mins), slices carrot, mushroom x 3 (soaked till tender and diced), chopped garlic, eggs x 3 (Beat with some diced green onions, sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce).

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp


1. Heat up oil to fry the egg mixture until barely set, remove and set aside.

2. Heat another 1 tbsp of oil to sauté chopped garlic; add in diced mushroom to stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Then, add in carrots and slices pork to stir-fry for a while, season it soy sauce, add cooked eggs to stir-frying till mix well, serve.

Previous:黄姜香菇鸡肉饭 Chicken and Mushroom Turmeric Rice

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