Sunday, December 31, 2017



当选定一条路,另一条路的风景便与你无关了...并不是所有的前进都是对的,也并不是所有坚持都是值得的,有进有退方得始终。这一年感觉得到都快成“魔”了,一直以为能稳稳抓住与两个娃的生活节奏,目前为止事实是一波未平, 一波又起!当你觉得一切都在掌握之中的时候,她们的成长历程中又到了另一个转弯处,而每一次的转弯都将是考验着我的耐性!





愿男女人们想要的都会得到,早晚的问题。继续保持奋斗,除了自己的床,哪儿都别倒下,对生活始终要保持乐观的态度,谨记耐心的人生活往往更幸福。不期待突如其来的好运,只希望所有的努力终有回报。Happy 2018!


Thursday, September 21, 2017

金针菇炒蛋 Enoki Mushroom Fried Eggs

金针菇炒蛋 Enoki Mushroom Fried Eggs



{调味料} 绍兴酒和盐少许。


1. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,加入萝卜丝和金针菇拌炒一下后,调入调味料。

2. 然后,倒入蛋液不断地翻炒至熟即可。

Enoki Mushroom Fried Eggs

{Ingredients} Enoki mushroom x 1 pack (trimmed, washed), eggs x 3 (Beaten with some diced green onion, sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper), shredded carrot, chopped shallots.

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine and salt.


1. Heat up some oil to sauté chopped shallots, add in shredded carrot and enoki mushroom to stir-fry for a while only add in seasonings.

2. Then, pour in egg’s mixture and continue stir-frying till well cooked.

Previous:芹菜炒肉片 Celery Stir Fry with Sliced Pork

Friday, August 18, 2017

芹菜炒肉片 Celery Stir Fry with Sliced Pork

芹菜炒肉片 Celery Stir Fry with Sliced Pork


{材料} 芹菜 (切段状),猪肉片(用蛋清,麻油,酱油和胡椒粉腌10分钟),鱼饼(切片),蒜碎和小红葱碎。

{调味料} 豆瓣酱 ½ 茶匙,鲍鱼汁1茶匙,盐和糖适量。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜和小红葱碎, 加入肉片炒至变色。

2. 然后加入芹菜,鱼饼,调味料和2-3汤匙的清水中火煮至汁稍微收干即可。

Celery Stir Fry with Sliced Pork

{Ingredients} Celery (sectioned), sliced pork (marinate with some egg white, sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper for 10 mins), fish cake (sliced), some chopped garlic and shallot.

{Seasonings} Bean paste x ½ tsp, abalone sauce x 1 tsp, some salt and sugar.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic and shallot till fragrant in frying pan, add in sliced pork and stir fry till change color.

2. Then, add in celery, fish cake, seasonings and 2-3 tbsp water to cook under medium heat till gravy is thicken.

Previous:豆干木耳粉丝 Stir Fried Beancurd, Black Fungus and Glass Noodles

Friday, July 28, 2017

豆干木耳粉丝 Stir Fried Beancurd, Black Fungus and Glass Noodles

豆干木耳粉丝 Stir Fried Beancurd, Black Fungus and Glass Noodles


{材料} 豆干(切块状, 双面煎成微金黄色备用。), 粉丝(泡软),木耳丝,萝卜丝, 肉碎(用一点麻油,胡椒粉和酱油腌制10分钟),蒜碎,小红葱碎和姜碎,香菜叶。

{调味料} 豆瓣酱1茶匙,酱油1汤匙, 黑酱油 ½ 茶匙,蚝油1茶匙, 糖和胡椒粉少许,水5汤匙。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱姜碎,加入豆瓣酱和肉碎炒至变色后,加入木耳和萝卜丝拌炒1分钟。

2. 然后,加入粉丝和其它调味料拌炒均匀才加入煎好的豆干炒至汁收干。

3. 最后撒上芹菜叶,翻炒一下即可出锅。

Stir Fried Beancurd, Black Fungus and Glass Noodles

{Ingredients} Bean curd (cut into square shape, deep fried till lightly yellow color and set aside), glass noodles (soaked till tender), shredded black fungus, shredded carrot, minced meat (marinate with some sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce for 10 mins), some chopped garlic, shallot and ginger, some celery leaves.

{Seasonings} Bean paste x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tbsp, black soy sauce x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, some sugar and pepper, water x 5 tbsp.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic, shallot and ginger till fragrant, add in bean paste and meat to stir-fry till meat change color, add in shredded black fungus and carrot to stir-fry for 1 mins.

2. Then, add in glass noodle and others remaining seasonings to continue stir-frying till mix well, add in fried bean curd to cook till gravy is thicken.

3. Lastly sprinkle up celery leaves, stir-fry till well combined and serve hot.

Previous:糖醋三蔬杏鲍菇 Triveggies King Oyster Mushroom in Sweet and Sour Sauce

Friday, June 30, 2017

糖醋三蔬杏鲍菇 Triveggies King Oyster Mushroom in Sweet and Sour Sauce

糖醋三蔬杏鲍菇 Triveggies King Oyster Mushroom in Sweet and Sour Sauce



{材料} 木耳丝,甜椒丁, 萝卜丝, 杏鲍菇丝,蒜碎和姜碎适量。

{调味料} 料酒 ½ 茶匙, 酱油1 ½ 汤匙,糖1茶匙,醋2茶匙,栗粉水1汤匙,水3汤匙,调成混合酱汁。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜和姜碎, 加入甜椒丁和木耳丝拌炒一下。

2. 然后, 加入萝卜丝,杏鲍菇丝和混合酱汁拌炒均匀至水收干即可。

Triveggies King Oyster Mushroom in Sweet and Sour Sauce

{Ingredients} Shredded black fungus, diced bell pepper, shredded carrot, shredded king oyster mushroom, chopped garlic and ginger.

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine ½ tsp, soy sauce 1 ½ tbsp, sugar x 1 tsp, black vinegar x 2 tsp, corn flour solution x 1 tbsp, water x 3 tbsp, mix well in a bowl.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic and ginger; add in diced bell pepper and shredded black fungus to stir-fry for a while.

2. Then, add in carrot, king oyster mushroom and seasonings to stir-fry till combined and the gravy is thickening, serve hot.

Previous: 炝拌腐竹芹菜 Tofu Skin and Celery Stir Fry

Friday, June 23, 2017

杏鲍菇双椒三文鱼炒饭 Fried Rice with Bell Pepper, King Oyster Mushroom and Salmon Fish

杏鲍菇双椒三文鱼炒饭 Fried Rice with Bell Pepper, King Oyster Mushroom and Salmon Fish 


隔夜米饭一小碗,煎三文鱼碎,洋葱碎, 双色甜椒丁, 杏鲍菇丁, 蔬菜高汤3汤匙





Overnight white rice x 1 small bowl, some chopped fried salmon fish fillet, chopped onion, diced red and yellow bell pepper, diced king oyster mushroom, veggies stock x 3 tbsp.


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to stir-fry chopped onion till fragrant first, only add in diced king oyster mushroom and bell pepper to continue stir-frying.

2. Then, add in overnight white rice and veggies stock to stir-fry over medium heat till cooked, add in chopped salmon fish to mix them well, serve hot.

Previous:洋葱香菇鸡肉碎天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Onion, Mushroon and Minced Chicken

Friday, March 17, 2017

炝拌腐竹芹菜 Tofu Skin and Celery Stir Fry

炝拌腐竹芹菜 Tofu Skin and Celery Stir Fry


{材料} 腐竹适量(凉水浸泡2小时后切段装),芹菜段,胡萝卜丝,蒜碎1汤匙,干辣椒碎少许。

{调味料} 酱油1 ½ 汤匙, 白米醋 ½ 汤匙, 芝麻油 ½ 汤匙, 鲍鱼汁 1 茶匙, 糖1茶匙, 盐少许, 全部搅拌均匀。


1. 锅加水煮沸后,加入腐竹段煮沸捞出备用。

2. 再起一锅水加了点盐和橄榄油煮沸,加入芹菜段川烫2分钟左右后,加入萝卜丝烫一下一起捞出,过冷水沥干备用。

3. 起一汤匙油锅爆香蒜碎,再加入干辣椒碎炒一下后,倒入调味料炝一下锅马上关火,加入腐竹,芹菜和萝卜翻拌均匀即可享用。

Tofu Skin and Celery Stir Fry

{Ingredients} Tofu skin (soaked in water for 2 hour and sectioned), celery (sectioned), shredded carrots, chopped garlic x 1 tbsp, some chili flakes.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1½ tbsp., white vinegar x ½ tbsp, sesame oil x ½ tbsp., abalone sauce x 1 tsp, sugar x 1 tsp, some salt to taste, mix all well in a bowl.


1. Bring 1 pot of water to boil, add in tofu skin and bring to boil again, drain well and set aside.

2. Another round to bring 1 pot of water that add with some salt and olive oil to boil, add in celery to cook for 2 mins only add in shredded carrot to cook for a while, rinse over cold water, drain and set aside.

3. Heat up a tbsp of olive oil to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in chili flakes stir-fry a while, pour in the seasoning’s mixture and turn off the heat, add in cooked tofu skin, celery and carrot to fold till well combined, served.

Previous: 芹菜三蔬天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Celery Tri Veggies

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

洋葱香菇鸡肉碎天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Onion, Mushroon and MincedChicken

洋葱香菇鸡肉碎天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Onion, Mushroon and MincedChicken
Simply delicious solid food for little angel...

难得她逐渐接受回洋葱这味道,偶尔还会加点芹菜叶碎让她尝尝,毕竟经历着“terrible two”的她口味变幻莫测,继续加油!


洋葱丁,香菇丁,萝卜碎,甜椒丁, 芹菜叶碎一点(用加了点油和盐的沸水煮2分钟,沥干备用),鸡肉碎,香菇水1汤匙,煎荷包蛋碎,天使意面(用加了点橄榄油和盐的沸水煮5分钟左右,沥干剪成段状备用)


1. 起适量的橄榄油锅,将洋葱和香菇丁炒香, 加入一点的萝卜和甜椒丁拌炒一下。

2. 然后,加入鸡肉碎炒至变色后,加入香菇水和意面翻炒均匀。

3. 最后,加入煎荷包蛋碎和芹菜叶碎拌炒均匀即可。(可加或不加,有什么就煮什么咯。)


Diced onion, diced mushroom, chopped carrot, chopped bell pepper, minced celery (blanch over with boiling water that add with some olive oil and salt for about 2 mins, drain well and set aside), minced chicken, soaked mushroom water x 1 tbsp, chopped over hard egg, angel hair pasta (cook with boiling water that add with some olive oil and salt for 5 mins, drain well and cut into sectioned)


1. Heat up some olive oil to saute diced onion and mushroom till fragrant, add in pinch of diced carrot and bell pepper to stir-fry for a while.

2. Then, add in minced chicken and stir-fry till change colour only add in mushroom water and cooked angel hair pasta to stir-fry till well combined.

3. Lastly, add in chopped over hard egg and celery to mix well, serve hot.

Previous: 蛋豆腐香菇肉碎炒面条 Fried noodles with egg tofu, mushroom and minced pork

Sunday, March 12, 2017

芹菜三蔬天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Celery Tri Veggies

芹菜三蔬天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Celery Tri Veggies


{材料} 天使意面 , 芹菜叶和茎(洗净,切小段状),香菇丝,泡香菇水,甜椒丁,萝卜丝, 鸡肉碎(用一点麻油,胡椒粉和酱油腌制5分钟),蒜碎,洋葱碎。

{调味料} 盐1茶匙,混合香料1茶匙, 糖和黑胡椒粉适量。


1. 取一深锅,注入适量的水,少许盐与橄榄油煮开后, 放入面条煮大约7分钟, 捞起过冷水拌入一点橄榄油备用。

2. 再起一锅加了点橄榄油和盐的沸水, 将芹菜叶和茎放入煮2分钟左右捞起沥干备用。

3. 起一大匙橄榄油锅, 放入一点蒜和洋葱碎炒香, 然后加入香菇丝,甜椒丁,萝卜丝和鸡肉碎炒至鸡肉变色放入煮熟的芹菜叶和茎拌炒均匀即可取出备用。(重口味可以炒配料时加些许盐提味。)

4. 热一大匙牛油和1大匙橄榄油锅, 放入剩下的蒜与洋葱碎炒香, 加入面条,泡香菇水与调味料翻炒均匀后,做法3的配料拌一拌即可. (怕太干可以加入1-2汤匙煮面水拌炒。

Angel Hair Pasta with Celery Tri Veggies

{Ingredients} Angel hair pasta, celery (washed, cut into mini bite-sized sectioned), shredded mushroom, soaked mushroom water, diced bell pepper, shredded carrot, minced chicken (marinate with some sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce for 5 mins), chopped garlic and onion.

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, Italian mixed herbs x 1 tsp, some sugar and black pepper.


1. Bring some water with salt and olive oil to a boil; add pasta to boiling water to cook for 7 mins, remove and drain with cold water and toss with some olive oil, set aside.

2. Bring another round of new boiling water with salt and olive oil to cook celery for about 2 mins, drain well and set aside.

3. Heat up pan with some olive oil to sauté some chopped garlic and onion till fragrant, add in mushroom, bell pepper, carrot and minced chicken to stirring till chicken change color, follow by add in cooked celery and continue to stir till well mixed. (If prefer, can add in pinch of salt for better taste.)

4. Heat up 1 tbsp of butter and olive oil to sauté balance chopped garlic and onion, add in pasta, soaked mushroom water and seasonings to stir0fry for a while, then add in method 3 ingredients to mix them well and serve hot. (If too dry, can add in 1-2 tbsp of cooked pasta water.)

Previous: 烧肉四季豆炒蛋 Fried Egg with Roasted Pork and French Bean

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

烧肉四季豆炒蛋 Fried Egg with Roasted Pork and French Bean

烧肉四季豆炒蛋 Fried Egg with Roasted Pork and French Bean


{材料} 烧肉丁,鸡蛋3粒(加一点麻油,酱油和胡椒粉打散备用),四季豆丁,小红葱碎。

{调味料} 黑酱油1/2 茶匙


1. 起油锅把小红葱碎炒香,加入烧肉丁和黑酱油拌炒均匀后,加入四季豆丁翻炒一分钟左右。

2. 然后,倒入鸡蛋液翻炒至熟透即可。

Fried Egg with Roasted Pork and French Bean

{Ingredients} Diced roasted pork , eggs x 3 (Beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper and set aside), diced French bean, chopped shallots.

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x ½ tsp


1. Heat up some oil to sauté chopped shallots till fragrant, add in diced roasted pork and black soy sauce to stir0fry till well mix, follow by add in French bean and continue stir-frying for about 1 mins.

2. Then, pour in the egg mixture and continue stirring occasionally till cooked.

Previous:午餐肉炒米粉 Luncheon Meat Fried Vermicelli

Friday, March 3, 2017

午餐肉炒米粉 Luncheon Meat Fried Vermicelli

午餐肉炒米粉 Luncheon Meat Fried Vermicelli


{材料} 米粉1包(泡软,沥干备用),午餐肉(切丁),鸡蛋3粒(加点麻油,酱油和胡椒粉打散备用),蒜碎,青葱丁。

{调味料} 黑酱油1汤匙,酱油3汤匙,蚝油1汤匙,番茄酱1汤匙,清水,糖和胡椒粉适量。


1. 起油锅先把蛋炒熟盛起备用。

2. 再加点油入锅,把午餐肉丁煎至7-8成熟时,加入蒜碎和青葱丁炒香。

3. 然后,调入调味料和加入米粉拌炒均匀后,加入鸡蛋拌均即可趁热享用。

Luncheon Meat Fried Vermicelli

{Ingredients} Vermicelli x 1 pack (soaked till tender, drain well and set aside), luncheon meat (diced), eggs x 3 (beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper), chopped garlic, diced green onion.

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tbsp, soy sauce x 3 tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, tomato sauce x 1 tbsp, some water, sugar and pepper.


1. Heat up some oil in frying pan to fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside.

2. Add in some oil in the same pan to fry the diced luncheon meat till almost cooked, add in chopped garlic and diced green onion to stir-fry till fragrant.

3. Then, add in seasonings and vermicelli to stir-fry till well combined, add in the cooked egg and mix well. Serve hot.

Previous:蒸梳打饼海绵蛋糕 Steamed Cream Crackers Sponge Cake

Thursday, February 23, 2017

蛋豆腐香菇肉碎炒面条 Fried noodles with egg tofu, mushroom and minced pork

蛋豆腐香菇肉碎炒面条 Fried noodles with egg tofu, mushroom and minced pork





1. 熱起一汤匙橄榄油爆香洋葱碎和香菇丁,加入肉碎和萝卜丝翻炒均匀。

2. 然后,放入面条,高汤或水和蛋豆腐煮沸后倒入蛋液再煮沸1-2分钟分钟即可。


Egg tofu x 2 slices, diced mushroom, shredded carrots, chopped onion, egg x 1 (beaten), minced pork, some noodles (cooked with boiling water that add with a pinch of salt and olive oil for 3-4 mins, drain well and set aside), water or some ready cooked stock for 2 tbsp.


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to saute chopped onion and diced mushroom, add in minced pork and carrots to stir-frying till well combined.

2. Then, add in noodles, water or stock and egg tofu and bring to boil, follow by add in egg mixture and bring to boil again for 1-2 mins, serve hot.

Previous:甜椒丁蛋炒饭 Bell Pepper Egg Fried Rice

Saturday, February 18, 2017

蒸梳打饼海绵蛋糕 Steamed Cream Crackers Sponge Cake

蒸梳打饼海绵蛋糕 Steamed Cream Crackers Sponge Cake


{材料A} 鸡蛋3粒,无盐奶油80-100克,红糖30-35克,梳打饼120克(搅拌成碎粉状)

{材料B} 鸡蛋2粒,面粉30克,玉米淀粉20克(面粉和玉米淀粉筛2遍),红糖15-20克


1. 先将材料A的奶油和红糖打至松发。(手打或搅拌机打都行,天使不爱搅拌机的声音,我就得加倍用力手动打咯,累但值!)

2. 鸡蛋一粒一粒加入打均匀,加入梳打饼碎搅拌均匀,分成两份备用。

3. 材料B的红糖一次过加入到鸡蛋液粒,在一个稍微大一点的盆子装入40-50度的温水,放入装了鸡蛋液和红糖的容器,开始打发。

4. 全蛋打发没什么特别要注意的,就是大概需要20分钟左右或插根牙签不倒就算打发到位了。

5. 面粉加玉米淀粉分2-3次筛到打发好的蛋液中,面粉不会马上沉下去证明蛋液打发好了, 用翻拌方式让面粉和蛋液混合均匀,翻拌时不可画圈。

6. 先把一份梳打饼蛋糊倒入模具中,蒸锅水煮开后,大火蒸5分钟。用筷子戳几个洞,慢慢地倒入做法5的海绵蛋糕糊,入蒸锅前震几下把大气泡震出来,蛋糕看上去细腻些。

7. 中大火蒸8-10分钟后,用筷子戳几个洞,再倒入另一份梳打饼蛋糕糊用大火再蒸15分钟左右或至蛋糕完全熟透即可取出待凉。

Steamed Cream Crackers Sponge Cake

{Ingredients A} Eggs x 3, unsalted butter 80-100g, brown sugar x 30-35g, cream crackers x 120g (blend it into fine powder)

{Ingredients B} Eggs x 2, flour x 30g, corn starch x 20g (mixed well and sifted for 2 times), brown sugar 15-20g.


1. Beat ingredients A- melted butter and brown sugar till fluffy. (I need to use hand manually to whisk as my little angel is going through her terrible two phase and do not like the mixer’s sound else crying excessively.)

2. Put eggs 1 by 1 into the mixing bowl and mix well before add in cream cracker’s powder and mix well, divide into 2 portions.

3. Ingredients B-Put in the brown sugar into the egg mixture, start to whisk over the big bowl which is add in 40-50 degree warm water to save little manual whisking time.

4. It needs to take about 20 mins to whisk until the texture is light and fluffy or to keep a toothpick stand for 10 seconds.

5. Divide the flour mixture to 3 portions and sifted onto the egg mixture. Fold the flour lightly in one direction though up and down method. Do not over-mix else the air bubbles will be broken up.

6. Pour 1 portion of cream cracker batter into a light grease baking mould, bring the water in steamer to boil only put in the baking mold to steam for 5 mins. Use chopstick to prick and slowly pour in the method 5 sponge cake batter.

7. Steam for 8-10 mins over the medium high heat, prick again and pour in the last layer of cream crackers batter to steam for another 15 mins or till fully cooked. Remove and leave to cool.

Previous: 酱焖肉碎土豆块 Soy Braised Potatoes Minced Pork

Saturday, February 11, 2017

酱焖肉碎土豆块 Soy Braised Potatoes Minced Pork

酱焖肉碎土豆块  Soy Braised Potatoes Minced Pork


{材料} 土豆2颗(去皮,切块状泡水),猪肉碎(用酱油,糖和胡椒粉腌10分钟),姜碎,蒜碎,小红葱碎。

{调味料} 黑酱油1茶匙,酱油2汤匙,蚝油1汤匙,清水5汤匙,麻油和糖适量。


1. 起油锅把土豆双面煎至金黄色,捞出备用。

2. 锅中留下少许油爆香姜葱蒜碎,加入肉碎炒至肉碎变色。

3. 加入煎好的土豆和调味料煮至收汁即可。

Soy Braised Potatoes Minced Pork

{Ingredients} Potato x 2 (peeled, cut into bite-size shape and soaked in water), minced pork (marinate with some soy sauce, sugar and pepper for 10 mins), chopped ginger, garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 2 tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, water x 5 tbsp, some sesame oil and sugar.


1. Heat up oil to fry potatoes till both side slightly golden yellow colors, dish up and set aside.

2. Use some leftover oil to sauté chopped ginger, garlic and shallot till fragrant, add in minced pork to stir-fry till change color.

3. Add in the potatoes and seasonings to ensure they well mixed and gravy is thickening.

Previous: 蒜香蜜汁鸡排 Garlic Honey Chicken Chop

Friday, February 3, 2017

蒜香蜜汁鸡排 Garlic Honey Chicken Chop

蒜香蜜汁鸡排 Garlic Honey Chicken Chop


{材料} 去骨鸡腿2只(表面用一点盐和胡椒粉按摩一下,用一汤匙的蒜碎,一汤匙蚝油和2汤匙酱油,1/2 茶匙黑酱油和糖腌过夜)



1. 起1汤匙油锅,把腌好的鸡排放人双面煎,在剩下的腌料里加入蜜糖拌均后扫一层在煎着的鸡排上,双面都要扫上,至少每面扫两遍。

2. 鸡排煎至有少许焦或熟即可。

3. 配料随意搭配,水煮白菜花,小黄瓜和甜椒丁炒饭。

Garlic Honey Chicken Chop

{Ingredients} Boneless chicken thigh x 2 (massage with some salt and pepper, follow by marinate with minced garlic x 1 tbsp , oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, soy sauce x 2 tbsp, black soy sauce x 1 /2 tsp, some sugar for overnight)

{Seasonings} Honey x 2 tbsp


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil, put in chicken thigh to fry both side, add in honey in the leftover marinade’s sauce, mix well and glaze over the chicken chop for 2 times at each sides till well-cooked.

2. Chicken thigh deep fry till slightly dark brown color shown or cooked.

3. Side dishes are personal preference, boiled cauliflower, cucumber, bell pepper egg fried rice.

Previous: 白萝卜鱿鱼丝鸡腿汤 Daikon Radish Soup with Chicken and Dried Squid

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

甜椒丁蛋炒饭 Bell Pepper Egg Fried Rice

甜椒丁蛋炒饭 Bell Pepper Egg Fried Rice




1. 把2大匙蛋液加入隔夜白饭搅拌均匀备用。




Overnight white rice x 1 small bowl, diced bell pepper, broccoli (soaked with salted water, blanch over boiling water for 3 mins), minced pork, egg x 1 (beaten)


1. Mix 2 tbsp of egg mixture into overnight white rice, make sure well combined and set aside.

2. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to stir-fry minced pork and diced bell pepper,  pour in balance of egg mixture to continue stir-frying, .

3. Then, follow by add in overnight white rice to stir-fry over high heat till cooked, add in cooked broccoli while serving.

Previous: 黄金米饭饼 Golden Rice Pancake

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

白萝卜鱿鱼丝鸡腿汤 Daikon Radish Soup with Chicken and Dried Squid

白萝卜鱿鱼丝鸡腿汤 Daikon Radish Soup with Chicken and Dried Squid 


{材料} 白萝卜1条(去皮切块状),鸡腿1只, 鱿鱼丝适量,红枣3-5颗。

{调味料} 盐适量


1. 取一深锅,注入适量清水煮沸后加入白萝卜和红枣先煮30分钟左右。

2. 然后加入鸡腿和鱿鱼丝再煮上30分钟,喜欢更软烂的口感可以再继续煮多15分钟。

3. 最后,调入盐煮上5分钟即可趁热享用。

Daikon Radish Soup with Chicken and Dried Squid

{Ingredients} Radish x 1 (peeled and cut into bit-size shape), chicken thigh x 1, some shredded dried squid, red dates x 3-5pcs.

{Seasonings} Some salt.


1. Filling in right amount water in a deep pot and bring to boil, add in radish and red dates to cook for 30 mins.

2. Then, add in chicken thigh and squid to cook for another 30 mins, if prefer more tender can extra cook for another 15 mins.

3. Lastly, season in the salt to cook for another 5 mins and serve hot.

Previous:高丽菜香菇萝卜肉碎粥 Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots

Friday, January 20, 2017

高丽菜香菇萝卜肉碎粥 Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots

高丽菜香菇萝卜肉碎粥 Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots
Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots cooking in progress.
Ready,  serve hot or keep warmed.


{材料} 白米1杯(洗净), 高丽菜 (洗净切丝),猪肉碎(用一点酱油和胡椒粉腌10分钟), 香菇3朵(泡软,切丁,泡香菇水留着), 胡萝卜丝, 蒜碎,清水适量,橄榄油1茶匙。

{调味料} 酱油1汤匙,蚝油1汤匙,胡椒粉,盐和糖适量。


1. 把洗净的白米,橄榄油和适量的清水放入电饭锅先煮成个人喜好绵密的粥。

2. 饭锅煮着粥的同时,起油锅爆香蒜碎,加入香菇丁,肉碎和萝卜丝炒一下至肉变色后,加入高丽菜,香菇水和调味料翻炒均匀即可。

3. 把炒好的才加入煮着的粥当中,搅拌均匀直到饭锅把粥煮熟,趁热享用。(可以放炸好银鱼仔增加咸味!)

Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots

{Ingredients} White rice x 1 cup (washed), cabbage (wash and shredded), minced pork (marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 10 mins), mushroom x 3 (soaked, diced, water that soaked mushroom keep for later used), shredded carrots, chopped garlic, water in right amount, olive oil x 1 tsp.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, some pepper, salt and sugar.


1. Put washed white rice; olive oil and water in rice cooker to start cook the porridge.

2. While rice cooker cooking the porridge, heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic, add in mushroom, minced pork and carrots to stir-fry till pork change color, add in cabbage, soaked mushroom water and seasonings to continue stir-frying till well combined.

3. Add in cooked cabbage into the rice cooker, mix well and let the rice cooker cook the porridge till done, serve hot. (Personal preference, can add in some deep fried dried fish to enhance your taste!)

Previous: 排骨焖饭 Spare Ribs Rice

Friday, January 13, 2017

排骨焖饭 Spare Ribs Rice

排骨焖饭 Spare Ribs Rice

Simple and easy steps for spare ribs rice.


{材料} 白米两杯(洗净备用),清水适量(加入黑酱油,酱油1茶匙和胡椒粉少许搅拌均匀), 排骨(泡清水半小时,沥干备用), 香菇3朵(泡软切丁状),泡香菇水, 姜碎一点,蒜碎和小红葱碎适量。

{调味料} 花雕酒1茶匙, 酱油1汤匙, 蚝油1汤匙,糖和盐适量。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱姜碎, 加入排骨小火两面煎至微黄后下调味料, 泡香菇水和香菇丁炒均匀。

2. 然后,把白米,炒好的排骨和搅拌均匀的清水放入饭锅中,按下煮饭键煮熟即可趁热享用。

Spare Ribs Rice

{Ingredients} White rice x 2 cups (washed and drain well), water (mix with black soy sauce, soy sauce x 1 tsp and some pepper), pork ribs (soaked in water for 30 mins and drain well), mushrooms x 3 (soaked till tender, diced), soaked mushroom water, a little pinch of chopped ginger, some chopped garlics and shallots.

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1tbsp, , oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, some sugar and salt.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic, shallot and ginger till fragrant, add in pork ribs to fry till both sides bit yellowish, follow by add in seasonings, soaked mushroom water and diced mushroom to stir-fry till well combined.

2. Then, add in white rice, pork ribs and well-mixed water into rice cooker, press down the cook button to cook, serve hot once done cooked.

Previous:冰糖红枣枸杞炖雪梨 Pear with Red Dates Gojiberries and Rock Sugar Sweet Soup

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