Wednesday, April 25, 2018

香菇蛋炒米粉 Fried Vermicelli with Mushroom Egg

香菇蛋炒米粉 Fried Vermicelli with Mushroom Egg


{材料} 有机米粉1块(泡软),鸡蛋2粒(加1-2滴酱油,一点胡椒粉和一滴麻油打散),香菇一朵(泡软切碎丁),蒜碎和小红葱碎一些。

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙, 黑酱油2-3滴,芝麻油1点,无盐蔬菜高汤2汤匙


1. 起油锅将鸡蛋倒入炒散炒熟后盛起备用。

2. 再起1汤匙油锅爆香蒜葱香菇碎后,放入调味料和米粉拌炒均匀。

3. 最后,加入炒熟的鸡蛋即可开吃。

Fried Vermicelli with Mushroom Egg

{Ingredients} Organic vermicelli x 1(soaked till tender), eggs x 2 (beaten with 2 drops of soy sauce, a pinch of pepper and a drop of sesame oil), mushroom (soaked till tender and diced), some chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, black soy sauce x 2-3 drops, sesame oilx 1 drop, unsalted veggies broth x 2 tbsp.


1. Heat up oil to fry the egg mixtures untill cooked, dish up and set aside.

2. Then, heat another1 tbsp of olive oil to saute the chopped garlic, shallot and diced mushroom till fragrant, add in seasonings and vermicelli to stir-fry until well mixed and cooked.

3. Lastly, add in cooked egg, serve hot.

Previous: 无盐蔬菜高汤 Unsalted Vegetable Broth

Monday, April 23, 2018

无盐蔬菜高汤 Unsalted Vegetable Broth

无盐蔬菜高汤 Unsalted Vegetable Broth


{材料} 玉米2根(切块),胡萝卜2根(切块),高丽菜1/2个(切块), 马铃薯1(切块),黄洋葱1/2 个(切片),Mommy J天然昆布粉1茶匙。


1. 把全部材料放入气压锅,按下煮汤键即可。

Unsalted Vegetable Broth

{Ingredients} Corn x 2 (cut into pieces), carrots x 2 (cut into pieces), cabbage x ½ (cue into pcs), potato x 1 (cut into pcs), yellow onion x ½ (slices), MommyJ natural kombu food powder x 1 tsp.


1. Put all ingredients into the pressure cooker, press”congee/soup”key.

Previous: 手指食物白菜花糙米片餐 Cauliflower Brown Rice Flakes with Finger Foods Meal

Sunday, April 22, 2018

手指食物白菜花糙米片餐 Cauliflower Brown Rice Flakes with Finger Foods Meal

手指食物白菜花糙米片餐 Cauliflower Brown Rice Flakes with Finger Foods Meal



{材料} Mommy J糙米片2汤匙, 热水适量(加入Mommy J天然昆布粉和银鱼粉搅拌均匀备用), 蒸10-15分钟至熟的白菜花(剪成小块状),蒸熟的番薯条(紫薯和黄薯)蒸薯胡萝卜条状,梨片适量。


1. 将糙米片浸泡在食物粉水中, 放入蒸锅蒸3-5分钟左右。

2. 将蒸好的糙米片加入 2-3块白菜花,按碎与糙米片拌均后即可食用。

3. 午餐的手指食物有梨片,紫薯条和白菜花朵块; 晚餐有胡萝卜条,黄肉番薯条和白菜花朵块适量。

Cauliflower Brown Rice Flakes with Finger Foods Meal

{Ingredients} MommyJ brown rice flakes 2tbsp, hot water in right amount (mixes with some MommyJ natural kombu and white bait food powder), steam 10-15mins cauliflower (cut into small florets), steam cooked sweet potatoes strips (purple and yellow color), cooked carrots strips, some ripped pear slices.


1. Soaked brown rice flakes in water that mixed with food powder, put in steamer to steam for 3-5 mins.

2. Serve steamed brown rice flakes with 2-3pcs of cooked cauliflower florets, mashed and mix well with rice flakes and serve hot.

3. Lunch finger foods: some pear slices, purple sweet potatoes strips and califlower florets; dinner: cooked carrot strips, yellow sweet potatoes strips and califlower florets.

Previous: 菠菜水煮蛋肉碎螺旋面与蛋黄菠菜肉碎粥

Saturday, April 21, 2018


煮着煮着原来之前担心的都是多余的,因为走着走着自然会有“解决问题”的方案浮出台面。确实要照顾好两个天使,属于自己的时间真的少之又少,虽然平日自从老二出生后大人们的两餐就搭伙食至今,让我可以更从容些专注在天使们的暖心辅食还有家里永远忙不完的543,还好有缘遇上Mommy J的食物粉,加快了准备天使们辅食的脚步,不然哪来的精力与天使们“纠缠不清”,呵呵!


{材料} 旋螺面(按照包装袋说明煮熟备用), 水煮鸡蛋1(切片备用),肉碎(8汤匙清水中加入Mommy J江鱼仔粉,天然昆布粉和香菇粉),熟的胡萝卜条和菠菜碎适量(用沸水分别川烫一下, 沥干切好备用)。


1. 将肉碎和食物粉水拌均后,放入蒸锅蒸10分钟或至熟。

2. 然后,将煮好的意粉加上煮熟的肉碎, 鸡蛋片,萝卜条 和菠菜碎即可食用。

Vegeroni Spirals with Spinach, Hard Boiled Egg and Minced Meat

{Ingredients} Some spirals (cook per package directions), hard boiled egg x 1 (sliced), some minced meats with 8 tbsp of water that mixes with some MommyJ anchovy, natural kombu and organic mushroom food powder, some cooked carrot slices and baby spinach (blanch over with boiling water that add with some oil and salt, drain well and chopped).


1. Steam minced meat with food powdered water for 10 mins or cooked.

2. Then, serve cooked spirals with steamed minced meat, egg slices, carrot slices and chopped spinach.


{材料} 白米3汤匙(适量的清水和 Mommy J天然昆布粉和香菇粉各自1/3 茶匙,肉碎适量), 水煮鸡蛋2片(蛋黄配粥吃,蛋白当手指食物),熟的胡萝卜条和菠菜碎适量(用沸水分别川烫一下, 沥干切好备用)。


1. 将白米,食物粉水和肉碎煮成粥。

2. 然后,把鸡蛋黄和菠菜碎加入煮好的肉碎食物粉粥即可食用。

Minced meat Porridge with Egg Yolk and Spinach

{Ingredients} White rice x 3 tbsp (Some water with MommyJ natural kombu and organic mushroom food powder x 1/3 tsp, some minced meat), hard boiled egg slices x 2 (egg yolk eat with cooked porridge, egg white as finger foods), cooked carrot sticks and cooked spinach (chopped)


1. White rice, food powder water and minced meat cook until the desired consistency porridge.

2. Then, just add on egg yolk and spinach , serve hot.

Previous: 快手水煮蛋糙米片餐 Quick Hardboiled Egg Brown Rice Flakes Meal

Friday, April 20, 2018

自制腰果千岛酱 Homemade Thousand Island Sauce

自制腰果千岛酱 Homemade Thousand Island Sauce




{材料} 腰果80克,圣女果275克,蜜糖2汤匙,柠檬汁2汤匙,盐 ½ 茶匙。


1. 把全部材料放入干的磨杯,然后放上搅拌器,按“pulse”键打至细滑即可食用。

Homemade Thousand Island Sauce

{Ingredients} Cashew nuts x 80g, cherry tomatoes x 275g, honey x 2 tbsp, lemon juice x 2 tbsp, salt x ½ tsp.


1. Put all ingredients in food processor (use dry grinder jug), hold the “pulse” button and blend until fine, ready to serve.

Previous:韩式炒冬粉 Korean Style Fried Glass Noodles

Thursday, April 19, 2018

快手水煮蛋糙米片餐 Quick Hardboiled Egg Brown Rice Flakes Meal

快手水煮蛋糙米片餐 Quick Hardboiled Egg Brown Rice Flakes Meal


{材料} Mommy J糙米片3汤匙, 热水适量(加入Mommy J天然昆布粉,江鱼仔和银鱼粉搅拌均匀备用),鸡蛋1(蒸锅15分钟蒸熟切片备用),荷包蛋1,煮熟的青菜碎和胡萝卜碎适量。


1. 将糙米片浸泡在食物粉水中, 放入蒸锅蒸3-5分钟左右。

2. 将蒸好的糙米片加入水煮蛋片,荷包蛋, 青菜碎和萝卜碎即可食用。(配料随天使年龄自行搭配哟!)

Quick Hardboiled Egg Brown Rice Flakes Meal

{Ingredients} MommyJ brown rice flakes 3tbsp, hot water in right amount (mixes with some MommyJ natural kombu, anchovy and white bait food powder), hard boiled egg x 1 (slicesd), fried egg x 1 (over hard), cooked green veggies and chopped carrot.


1. Soaked brown rice flakes in water that mixed with food powder, put in steamer to steam for 3-5 mins.

2. Serve steamed brown rice flakes with some cooked egg, green veggies and carrots. (side dishes can add on according to angel’s age or preferences)

Previous :双蔬蛋煎龟包 Mixed Veggies Egg Fried Mi Gu

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

双蔬蛋煎龟包 Mixed Veggies Egg Fried Mi Gu

双蔬蛋煎龟包 Mixed Veggies Egg Fried Mi Gu


{材料} 青菜丝和胡萝卜丝适量(洗净,用加了一点油和盐的沸水川烫2分钟左右,待凉后切碎备用),鸡蛋2粒(加入一些Mommy J苋菜和有机香菇粉打散备用), 龟包去皮切片状。


1. 把双蔬菜碎拌入鸡蛋液中拌均后,将一片片龟包放入双面沾满了双蔬蛋液。

2. 然后,放入油锅,双面煎至金黄色即可。

Mixed Veggies Egg Fried Mi Gu

{Ingredients} Shredded veggies and carrots (Wash and blanch over boiling water that add with a drop of olive oil and pinch of salt for about 2 minute, chopped it well), eggs x 2 (beaten with some of MommyJ organic amaranth and mushroom food powder), mi gu (sliced)


1. Put both shredded veggies in the egg mixture and mixed them well, add in 1 slice of mi gu to ensure both side well coated of veggies’s egg mixture.

2. Then, deep fry it in the pan till both sides turn to golden brown color.

Previous: 苋菜粉燕麦片 Amaranth Oatmeal

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

苋菜粉燕麦片 Amaranth Oatmeal

苋菜粉燕麦片 Amaranth Oatmeal 
有牛油果熟了,可以加入或切片当手指食物给天使磨磨牙肉,这是最最最快的幼儿早餐之一啦, 但一点也不失营养成分哦,呵呵!


{材料} 幼儿燕麦片5汤匙, 牛奶100-120毫升,Mommy J苋菜粉1/3 茶匙,熟牛油果片适量。


1. 将燕麦片加上苋菜粉,然后浸泡在热牛奶中拌均即可。

2. 最后,把熟牛油果片加入燕麦片中或当手指食物也可。

Amaranth Oatmeal

{Ingredients} Infant oatmeal x 5 tbsp, milk 100-120ml, MommyJ amaranth food powder x ½ tsp, some ripped avocado slices.


1. Add organic amaranth food powder on top of oatmeal , then pour in the milk and mixed them well.

2. Last, just add on ripped avocado’s slices or use as finger food and serve hot.

Previous:糙米片婴儿意粉 Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta

Sunday, April 15, 2018

糙米片婴儿意粉 Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta

糙米片婴儿意粉 Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta 

糙米片婴儿意粉 Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta 制作过程
Nap/sleep regression,separation anxiety,potty training...等等的“非常时期”期间,Mommy J食物粉帮了很大的忙,让我可以坚持继续给两个天使吃自家制的辅食品.


{材料} Mommy J糙米片1汤匙, 婴儿意粉1汤匙(按照包装袋说明煮至熟备用), 鸡蛋2(加些许Mommy J有机苋菜粉 和江鱼仔粉打散备用), 清水3-5汤匙(加入Mommy J天然昆布粉和银鱼粉搅拌均匀备用),煮熟的南瓜条和青菜碎适量。


1. 将糙米片浸泡在食物粉水中, 放入蒸锅蒸3-5分钟左右。

2. 起油锅把鸡蛋液炒散炒熟备用。

3. 最后,将煮好的意粉加入蒸好的糙米片中拌均,加上鸡蛋碎,南瓜条和青菜碎即可食用。

Brown Rice Flakes Baby Pasta

{Ingredients} MommyJ brown rice flakes 1tbsp, baby pasta 1 tbsp (cook per package directions), egg x 2 (beaten with some MommyJ organic amaranth and anchovy food powder), 3-5 tbsp of water mixes with some MommyJ natural kombu and white bait food powder, cooked pumpkin slices and green veggies.


1. Soaked brown rice flakes in water that mixed with food powder, put in steamer to steam for 3-5 mins.

2. Heat up oil to stir frying egg mixture till golden yellow color or cooked.

3. Lastly, add in cooked baby pasta to mix with steamed brown rice flakes, serve with some cooked egg, pumpkin slices and green veggies.

Previous:三文鱼鸡蛋螺旋面 Vegeroni Spirals with Salmon and Egg

Friday, April 13, 2018

三文鱼鸡蛋螺旋面 Vegeroni Spirals with Salmon and Egg

三文鱼鸡蛋螺旋面 Vegeroni Spirals with Salmon and Egg
Mommy J食物粉是完全可以代替其他调味料的,至少天使们接受得来即可,2岁以下尽量不要放太多,只要天使不抗拒一点点食物粉即可。三岁+的天使因为已经接触过一些外面的食物,食物粉会需要放半茶匙或1茶匙的量咯,不然的话她会投诉不好吃啦,呵呵😄!


{材料} 旋螺面(按照包装袋说明煮熟备用),三文鱼1片(双面煎熟备用), 鸡蛋2(加些许Mommy J有机苋菜粉 和江鱼仔粉打散备用),肉碎(5汤匙清水中加入Mommy J江鱼仔粉,干贝粉,有机苋菜粉和香菇粉),煮熟的南瓜条和青菜碎适量。


1. 将肉碎和食物粉水拌均后,放入蒸锅蒸10分钟或至熟。

2. 起油锅把鸡蛋液炒散炒熟备用。

3. 最后,将煮好的意粉加上肉碎,熟三文鱼片,鸡蛋碎,南瓜条和青菜碎拌均后即可食用。

Vegeroni Spirals with Salmon and Egg 

{Ingredients} Some spirals (cook per package directions), salmon fillet x 1 (slightly fry until cooked), egg x 2 (beaten with some MommyJ organic amaranth and anchovy food powder), some minced meats with 5 tbsp of water that mixes with some MommyJ anchovy, scallop, organic amaranth and mushroom food powder, some cooked pumpkin slices and green veggies.


1. Steam minced meat with food powdered water for 10 mins or cooked.

2. Heat up oil to stir frying egg mixture till golden yellow color or cooked.

3. Lastly, add in cooked spirals to mix with steamed minced meat, serve with cooked salmon fillet, egg, pumpkin slices and green veggies.

Previous: 杏鲍菇肉碎炒蛋拌饭和猪肉碎小米粥

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Mommy J Food Powder Starter Kit

想分享关于食物粉的宝宝辅食很久了,今年初起几乎很多天使的辅食都用了点MommyJ Homemade Food Powder 来准备,主要是快手和简易,还有可以尽量不用其它调味料哦。我的天使一个三岁+,一个一岁+有两颗乳牙。


{材料} 杏鲍菇(切片状),猪肉碎(加2滴酱油腌一下),鸡蛋1粒(加入1/3 茶匙江鱼仔粉打散备用),白菜花和小胡萝卜段适量(提前洗净加点盐和橄榄油川烫2-3分钟,沥干备用),蒜碎,清水3汤匙,香菇粉和苋菜粉一点。

1. 起油锅爆香蒜碎,加入杏鲍菇片炒至水分开始收干时加入肉碎炒至变色,加入水和食物粉中火拌炒均匀。

2. 然后,倒入蛋液,炒至熟即可。

3. 最后适量白饭,加入川烫好的白菜花和胡萝卜段,拌均后即可食用。

Stirred King Oyster Mushroom with Minced Pork and Egg Rice (3yr+)

{Ingredients} King oyster mushroom (sliced), minced pork (marinate with 2drops of soy sauce), egg x 1 (beaten with 1/3 tsp anchovy powder), cauliflower florets and baby carrots sectioned (blanch over with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 2-3 mins, drain well), chopped garlic, water x 3 tbsp, some organic mushroom and amaranth food powder.


1. Heat up oil to saute chopped garlic, add in sliced king oyster mushroom to cook till water slightly dry up only add in minced pork to stir-fry till change color, add in water and food powder to continue cook under medium heat till well mixed.

2. Then, pour in egg mixture, stir-frying till cooked.

3. Lastly, serve with white rice, cooked cauliflower, baby carrot, mix all well and ready to eat.


{材料} 猪肉碎(加适量的水,提前蒸25分钟至熟备用,蒸多了的分好份量冷却后速冻保存起来),昆布粉,银鱼粉。

1. 小米2汤匙洗净浸泡30分钟后,加适量的水加入昆布和银鱼粉一点煮至熟。

2. 然后,加入蒸好1-2tbsp的猪肉碎拌均即可。

Minced Pork Millet Porridge (1yr+)

{Ingredients} Minced pork (add in right amount of water, steamed ahead for 25 mins and set aside, let it stand cold and freeze for unsed portions), natural kombu and white bait food powder


1. Wash 2 tbsp of millets and soak for 30 mins, add in right amount of water and food powder to cook untill the desired consistency .

2. Then, add in 1-2 tbsp cooked minced pork and serve hot.

Previous:西兰花蛋煎龟包 Broccoli Eggs Fried Mi Gu

Sunday, April 8, 2018

韩式炒冬粉 Korean Style Fried Glass Noodles

韩式炒冬粉 Korean Style Fried Glass Noodles



{材料} 韩式冬粉,鸡蛋3粒(加点酱油,胡椒粉和麻油打散),猪肉碎(用酱油,料酒和麻油腌5分钟),木耳丝,甜椒丝,青葱丁,蒜碎,小红葱碎,白芝麻适量(干锅提前炒香)。

{调味料} 酱油3汤匙,糖2茶匙,芝麻油1茶匙,清水1-2汤匙


1. 冬粉用沸水煮至软, 沥干用剪刀剪短备用。

2. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,将鸡蛋也倒入炒散炒熟后盛起备用。

3. 然后,锅里再放2汤匙橄榄油爆香蒜碎,把猪肉碎,木耳丝和甜椒丝炒熟。

4. 放入调味料和冬粉拌炒均匀。

5. 最后,加入炒熟的鸡蛋,青葱丁和白芝麻即可。

Korean Style Fried Glass Noodles

{Ingredients} Korean glass noodles, eggs x 3 (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), minced pork (marinade with some soy sauce, cooking wine and sesame oil for 5 mins), shredded black fungus, shredded bell pepper, diced green onion, chopped garlic, chopped shallots, white sesame (Roasted till fragrant).

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 3 tbsp, sugar x 2 tsp, sesame oilx 1 tsp, water x 1-2 tbsp.


1. Bring a pot of water to boil to cook the korean glass noodle as per package directions till tender, drain well and cut half with kitchen scissor, set aside.

2. Heat up some oil to saute chopped shallots till fragrant, pour in the egg mixtures to stir-fry till cooked, dish up and set aside.

3. Then, put in another 2 tbsp of olive oil to saute the chopped garlic till fragrant, add in minced pork, shredded black fungus and bell pepper to stir-fry until cooked.

4. Follow by add in the seasonings and glass noodles to continue stirring till well mixed.

5. Lastly, add in cooked egg, diced green onions and white sesame, serve hot.

Previous: 当归蒸鸡 Steamed Dang Gui Chicken

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