Friday, August 26, 2016

鸿禧菇豆腐玉米鱼丸鱼饼肉碎汤 Hongxi Mushroom Tofu Corn Fishball Ground Pork Soup

鸿禧菇豆腐玉米鱼丸鱼饼肉碎汤 Hongxi Mushroom Tofu Corn Fishball GroundPork Soup


{材料} 鸿禧菇1包(去蒂,洗净备用), 豆腐一盒(切块状), 玉米粒适量, 猪肉碎(用一点米酒和酱油腌5分钟),鱼丸鱼饼适量(切片状),蒜碎,小红葱碎。

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁一汤匙,盐和胡椒粉适量。


1. 取一深锅,用1汤匙油爆香蒜葱碎,加入肉碎炒至熟后,注入适量的水煮至沸。

2. 然后,加入其他材料和调味料再次煮沸即可开吃。(算是快手火锅类哟!)

Hongxi Mushroom Tofu Corn Fish Ball Ground Pork Soup

{Ingredients} Hongxi mushroom x 1 pack (removed bottom parts and cleaned), tofu x 1 pack (diced), some sweet corns, ground pork (marinate with some rice wine and soy sauce for 5 mins), some fish balls and fish cakes (sliced), chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1 tbsp, some salt and pepper.


1. Use 1 deep pot, add in 1 tbsp oil to sauté chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, follow by add in ground pork to stir-fry until cooked only add in right amount of water, bring to boil.

2. Then, add in other ingredients and seasonings; bring to boil again. (Fast and easy steamboat type’s soup!)

Previous: 叁巴酱水煮蛋 Sambal Chili Sauce Hard Boiled Eggs

Thursday, August 25, 2016

JT Restaurant, Penang

蒙古沙爹套餐陪酥脆炒饭 Mongolian Satay with Crispy Fried Rice
JT Restaurant's Entrance

一家位于槟城The Heritage Club里边的餐馆,主要是为了沙爹餐而来的,品尝后觉得还行而已。主要是那炒饭有点过硬了,吃时会费点力哦, 沙爹就鲜嫩滑口的,酱料还是Mongolian的比较好吃过Salted Egg的。



地址:No. 2, Scotland Road, Pulau Pinang, 10450 George Town, Malaysia.

电话号码:04-227 3373


Previous:猫空四哥的店加动物园一日游, 台北

Sunday, August 21, 2016

今日辅食: 西兰花鸡肉碎马铃薯泥 Mashed potatoes with minced chicken and broccoli

西兰花鸡肉碎马铃薯泥 Mashed potatoes with minced chicken and broccoli
Mashed potatoes make in progress...
Add in side dishes to complete today solid food!

{材料} 马铃薯1粒(去皮切丁,泡水备用),西兰花(洗净切成小朵状),胡萝卜片,鸡肉碎,牛油一茶匙,牛奶2汤匙

1. 马铃薯泥蒸20分钟左右至熟。
2. 趁热加入奶油和牛奶(我用她喝的奶粉泡的牛奶),按成泥糊状即可。
3. 西兰花用加了点橄榄油和盐的沸水烫一下,蒸5-10分钟至软但青绿色仍在。
4. 胡萝卜片和鸡肉碎加了3汤匙煮开的水蒸20分钟左右。蒸好的汤可以拿来喝。
5. 把做法4和5的配料拌入做法2的马铃薯泥中即可开动啦!

{Ingredients}Potato x 1 (peeled and diced, soaked in water), broccoli (cut into bite site floret shape), carrots (sliced), minced chicken, butter x 1 tsp, baby formula x 2tbsp

1. Steamed potato for 20 mins or till cooked.
2. Using potato masher or any other available tools to blend the butter and baby formula until the mixture smooth and creamy.
3. Using a pot fill with water that add in some salt and olive oil to blanch over the broccoli florets a while and then steam for 5-10 mins.
4. Steam the carrots and minched chicken in 3 tbsp of boiling water for 20 mins. The soup can use for drink.
5. Add in method 4 and 5 cooked side dishes to method 2 mashed potato, ready to eat!


Saturday, August 20, 2016

叁巴酱水煮蛋 Sambal Chili Sauce Hard Boiled Eggs

叁巴酱水煮蛋 Sambal Chili Sauce Hard Boiled Eggs



{材料} 水煮蛋5粒(对半切),洋葱碎少许。

{调味料} 即食叁巴酱适量,水一大匙。


1. 起油锅爆香洋葱碎,加入叁巴酱炒香,加入一点水以防变干。(口味重的可以加点酱油和糖)

2. 然后,把翻热了的叁巴酱铺上水煮蛋即可。

Sambal Chili Sauce Hard Boiled Eggs

{Ingredients} Hard-boiled eggs x 5 (cut into half), chopped onions.

{Seasonings} Instant Sambal paste (Malaysian-style chili sauce)


1. Heat up oil in frying pan to sauté chopped onions till fragrant, add in sambal paste and water. (According to personal preference, add in the soy sauce and sugar for extra taste.)

2. Then, coated the eggs with the heated sambal sauce.

Previous: 芹菜玉米豆腐排骨汤 Celery Corn Tofu Pork Ribs Soup

Thursday, August 18, 2016

鸿满园点心和煮炒 Restaurant Hong Man Yuan Sungai Petani, Kedah








地址:79, Jalan 1A, Pusat Perniagaan Pekan Lama, 08000, Sungai Petani, Kedah,Malaysia.


Monday, August 15, 2016

芹菜玉米豆腐排骨汤 Celery Corn Tofu Pork Ribs Soup

芹菜玉米豆腐排骨汤 Celery Corn Tofu Pork Ribs Soup


{材料} 排骨适量(浸泡清水30分钟去血水),芹菜切段状,玉米粒,红枣5-7颗。

{调味料} 盐和胡椒粉适量


1. 取一深锅,注满适量的水和排骨煮沸后,加入其它材料以中火炖煮一小时左右,调入盐后再煮15分钟即可。

Celery Corn Tofu Pork Ribs Soup

{Ingredients} Pork ribs (soaked in water for 30 mins to clear bloody color.), celery (cut into sectioned), corns, red dates x 5-7 pcs.

{Seasonings} Some salt and pepper to taste.


1. Use a large pot, fill in right amount of water and pork ribs, and bring to boil only add in others ingredients to cook under medium heat for about 1 hour, seasons in seasonings and cook for another 15 mins.

Previous: 番茄豆腐粉丝肉碎汤 Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork

Friday, August 5, 2016

番茄豆腐粉丝肉碎汤 Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork

番茄豆腐粉丝肉碎汤 Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork


{材料} 番茄2粒(沸水川烫1分钟去皮,切块状),豆腐(切块状),鸡肉碎(用米酒和酱油腌10分钟),粉丝(泡软), 蒜碎。

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁1汤匙,盐和胡椒粉少许。


1. 取一深锅,放入一大匙的油爆香蒜碎后,加入鸡肉碎炒熟再下番茄块炒出红水。

2. 然后,注满适量的水,豆腐和调味料煮至沸。

3. 最后,加入粉丝再次煮沸即可。

Tomato, Tofu and Glass Noodle Soup with Minced Pork

{Ingredients} Tomatoes x 2 (Blanch over boiled water, peeled and diced), tofu (cut into bite-sized pieces), ground chicken (marinate with some rice wine and soy sauce for 10 mins), glass noodle (soaked till tender), chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1 tbsp, some salt and pepper to taste.


1. Use a large pot, add in 1 tbsp oil to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in ground chicken to stir-fry till cooked only add in diced tomatoes and cook till tender with light red color water.

2. Then, add in right amount of water, tofu and seasonings, bring to boil.

3. Lastly, add in glass noodle and bring to boil again. Serve hot.

Previous:鲜甜菌菇汤 Asian Style Mixed Mushroom Soup

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