Friday, May 22, 2020

烤箱版烤紫薯条 Oven Baked Purple Sweet Potato Fries

烤箱版烤紫薯条 Oven Baked Purple Sweet Potato Fries 


{材料} 紫薯3粒(洗净去皮,切条状泡水洗净表面淀粉),盐适量(烤好才撒入,可不放。)

{抹表面用} 玉米淀粉1汤匙,橄榄油3汤匙盐,混合均匀备用。


1. 切好的紫薯条泡水30分钟左右,捞起沥干水份, 多余的水份一定要用厨房纸巾吸干。

2. 烤盘铺上锡纸后抹上一层薄薄的橄榄油,zip-loc纸袋中放入抹表面用的材料,把控干水份的薯条倒入不停地抖动使每条薯条都沾上油,然后排好。(尽量不重叠!)

3. 放入预热好的烤箱210°C中层,先烤15分钟;然后翻面再烤15-20分钟即可。

4. 烤好,撒上适量的盐,待冷5分钟即可享用。

Oven Baked Purple Sweet Potato Fries

{Ingredients} Purple sweet potatoes x 3 (peel and cut into evenly-sized, soaked in water.), some salt. (will sprinkle on at the very end, optional.)

{Glazing} Corn starch x 1 tbsp, olive oil x 3 tbsp, mix well and set aside.


1. Soak the well-cut sweet potato fries for at least 30 mins; rinse, drain and pat dry with kitchen towels.

2. Baking tray cover with parchment sheet spread a thin layer of olive oil or any other cooking oil, ziploc bag put in the glazing mixture, transfer the fries into the bag and toss evenly to ensure each fries coated with the oil mixture, transfer to baking tray and arrange well. (Do not overlapping if possible!)

3. Bake in pre-heated oven at 210°C for 15 mins first, flip the fries and bake for another 15-20 mins.

4. Remove baking tray from oven, season the fries with some salt (optional), and let it rest
for 5 mins only enjoy it.

Previous: 曼煎糕 Crispy Peanut Sesame Pancake

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